Drama As President Ruto Locks CS Kindiki And Moses Kuria Out Of State House

President William Ruto yesterday witnessed the signing of performance contracts by some of his Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and heads of parastatals at the State House in Nairobi. But before the event kicked off, there was drama as two CSs and a governor found themselves locked out of the State House for being late. The official programme indicates the event was to begin at exactly 8:00 a.m.

Among those who were late include Council of Governors chairperson Ann Waiguru whose speech was delivered by Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka. Also locked out were several Principal Secretaries and Heads of Parastatals.

Speaking during the signing at the event, President Ruto vowed to end the cycles of unfulfilled pledges and tame the history of leaders taking advantage of taxpayers’ money. He said that leaders have for the longest time abused their prominence and offices to float fake promises to Kenyans and use them as conduits to siphon money for personal gain. He said that the event would transform government services to emulate developed economies such as Singapore

“I have had a heart-to-heart discussion with my cabinet. I want to do the same with the rest of government bureaucracy from PSs on to directors. It will not be business as usual. I made a commitment to the people of Kenya that there will be no money to steal. There is only money to deliver on the projects and aspirations of Kenyans,” he said.

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