Looming Fallout In Azimio Over Peace Deal With President Ruto 

  • Martha Karua, a well-known hardliner, is said to have opposed any form of meeting with President Ruto but she was on the minority side. A seemingly annoyed Martha Karua, aware that any political deal between Raila Odinga and William Ruto would render her and several Mount Kenya leaders ending up in political oblivion, hurriedly convened a meeting to discuss their fate in Azimio. The meeting was attended by former Agriculture CS Peter Munya, former Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi, and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni  

A dark cloud hangs over Azimio after a section of leaders from Mount Kenya threatened to walk out claiming lack of consultation. According to sources, the leaders, led by Martha Karua and Mwangi Wa Iria were completely opposed to their leader Raila Odinga meeting President William Ruto. 

A meeting chaired by the Azimio Council Members deliberated on the matter before Raila Odinga was cleared to meet President Ruto. However, sources divulged that Karua, former Governor Mwangi Wa Iria, and some party leaders from the Mountain Region were opposed to the meeting.

Martha Karua, a well-known hardliner, is said to have opposed any form of meeting with President Ruto but she was on the minority side. A seemingly annoyed Martha Karua, aware that any political deal between Raila Odinga and William Ruto would render her and several Mount Kenya leaders ending up in political oblivion, hurriedly convened a meeting to discuss their fate in Azimio. The meeting was attended by former Agriculture CS Peter Munya, former Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi, and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni. 

Angered by the actions and feeling betrayed, Karua convened the meeting, whose agenda was to threaten Raila Odinga with abandoning Azimio. Although some of the agenda and details of their deliberations remain scanty, it is being speculated that she had asked her colleagues to rethink their space in Azimio. Impeachable sources, however, reveal that Kioni, Munya, and Wa Iria opposed Karua’s proposal to quit Azimio. Political analysts say the trio are Odinga’s close allies and cannot commit a political suicide by decamping from Azimio for now at least.

Sources say that after failing to convince the team, she then demanded that she be the one to represent Azimio in the 10-member committee to be chaired by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. According to sources, Raila Odinga preferred Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to lead the talks. 

Karua, according to well-placed sources, claimed that she had the expertise, having been a member of the Koffi Anan-led committee that brokered the peace deal between President Mwai Kibaki of PNU and Raila Odinga of ODM during the disputed 2007 presidential elections.

However, sources say, by being the second in command in Azimio, Raila preferred her to keep off the talks and allow Kalonzo Musyoka to lead the Azimio team. Martha Karua claims that Raila Odinga could be preparing Kalonzo Musyoka for greater things ahead. Her second attempt to have either Kioni or Wa Iriahea to be included in the Azimio team also hit a dead end. The reason why Raila Odinga didn’t include any representative from Mount Kenya in the team is unknown.

With speculation rife that Raila will, at the end of these games, accept the position of leader of the official opposition with a full shadow cabinet, Munya, Wa Iria, and Ndeiritu Mureithi know so well that they will be in the shadow cabinet.

Their opposition to Karua’s proposal to quit Azimio has now made Karua swallow her pride and abandon the plan. But the big question is whether she had planned to pull the rug under Raila’s feet by jumping ship to work with Kenya Kwanza.

Sources say Karua confided in her close allies that once Raila strikes a deal with Ruto, he will abandon them and reward his ODM people with available shadow cabinet slots. As Leader of the Opposition, he is the person who appoints members of his shadow cabinet. Karua has been complaining that Raila has a soft spot for Eugene Wamlawa, Wycliffe Oparanya, and Kalonzo. Karua is also reported to be very uncomfortable with Kalonzo, who is now considered Raila’s successor and possible flag-bearer in the 2027 elections. Karua, according to sources, believes that by being Raila’s running mate in the 2022 elections, she should be the automatic candidate should Raila withdraw from the 2027 presidential elections. As to whether she will swallow her pride and deputize Kalonzo, only time will tell.