Governor Orengo Under Pressure To Complete The Construction Of Siaya Stadium 

Siaya Governor James Orengo is under pressure from the sporting fraternity in the county to explain the circumstances under which the 20,000-seater Siaya Stadium has not been completed and put to use. During the last campaigns, Mr Orengo promised that he would prioritize the completion of the stadium, the brainchild of his predecessor Governor Rasanga Amoth.

Governor Orengo made promises to the effect that by March 2023, the stadium would be ready for use; this has not happened hence the hue and cry from residents. Pressure is now mounting on him to explain the reasons behind the stalled stadium yet funds have been allocated and paid to the contractor. According to available records, the contract for the construction of the stadium was signed on 30th October 2018 at a cost of Ksh. 394m and was expected to take 10 months. 

Governor Orengo had during the campaigns promised to promote sports and offer opportunities to the locals to participate in local and international sporting tournaments. Reports indicate that the county government of Siaya paid Ksh.57, 999,787 towards the construction of the stadium. The contract for these works was signed on 30th August 2018 and was to start on the 1st January 2019. The contract was later extended 6 times with the latest ending 25th May 2022. In addition, the contract sum was revised upwards to Ksh.488, 716,823 resulting in a variation of Ksh.94, 055,056 or 24%, the bill of quantities was however not amended. 

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