Murmurs In DP Gachagua’s Camp Over President Ruto’s Planned Working Tour Of Nyanza

To show just how bad things are in UDA, DP Gachagua has conspicuously missed two key events that were being presided over by the President without offering any reasons as to why. It has been a tradition for both to attend public functions whenever they were in the country, including church functions, but of late, this has not been the case. Last week, when the President was in Narok County, his deputy went to Isiolo County instead and later moved to Meru, he wound up his busy schedule in Nyeri

A fallout among the top leaders within the ruling United Democratic Movement (UDA) party is imminent over what insiders claim is a serious case of betrayal. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and his close allies are said to be reading from a different script from that of President William Ruto.

To show just how bad things are in UDA, DP Gachagua has conspicuously missed two key events that were being presided over by the President without offering any reasons as to why. It has been a tradition for both to attend public functions whenever they were in the country, including church functions, but of late, this has not been the case. Last week, when the President was in Narok County, his deputy went to Isiolo County instead and later moved to Meru, he wound up his busy schedule in Nyeri.

The following day, President Ruto was in the Langata constituency, and DP Gachagua was again conspicuously missing. Analysts now say that Gachagua’s absence means a lot in Kenya’s political arena. Perhaps the DP is trying to send warning signals to President Ruto that all is not well.

Analysts say that DP Gachagua is under pressure from Mount Kenya leaders, who claim that they are being taken for granted politically. Sources say Mr Gachagua and other Mount Kenya leaders have complained about how President Ruto has failed to deliver on the pre-election pledges he made to residents of Mount Kenya. We have information that DP Gachagua and his allies from the region are not happy with the president’s planned tour of the Nyanza region, where he will commission and launch development projects.

Sources reveal that immediately after the last seating of the Bomas of Kenya UDA meeting, DP Gachagua and his team, including several MPs, retreated to his official residence in Karen for deliberations, whose details remain scanty. The little details The Weekly Vision has gathered are that the meeting discussed the president’s new political strategy of rewarding residents of the Ukambani and Nyanza regions while ignoring the mountain region. The MPs claimed that the President has even transferred some of the funds earmarked for development in MK to the opposition strongholds of Nyanza and Ukambani.

Later that evening, sources say another group of MPs from the MK region retreated to a parallel meeting in Thika, where the same agenda was discussed. The MPs claimed that the appointments and development projects Nyanza has received as compared to what their region has so far received are not commensurate with the votes the President received in the two regions during the last general elections.

According to the MPs allied to DP Gachagua, the president is trying to please the opposition regions with development and appointments at the expense of the region that stood with him during his toughest and darkest hours.

Sources now say that the MK region is a disappointment and that the DP’s absence from two presidential functions is just a way of testing the waters while sending warning signals at the same time to President Ruto. Gachagua’s absence, according to sources, was also advice from his political handlers that he should move away from his boss and start charting his political lane, the same trick William Ruto used against President Uhuru Kenyatta as DP.