Bonny Khalwale Claims DP Rigathi Gachagua Is Behind The Woes Bedevilling UDA Party

By Andanje Wakhungu

Kakamega Senator Dr Bonny Khalwale has accused Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua of being behind the woes bedevilling the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party in most parts of the country. Khalwale was addressing members of the public at a tree planting ceremony held at Shamberere National Polytechnic in Kakamega County, where he stated that Mr Gachagua, who is currently jostling to become president after William Ruto’s tenure comes to an end in 2032, was using young UDA politicians spread out in different parts of the country to fight and unsettle prominent party leaders to pave the way for him.

“Just because you are the DP should not make you develop an insatiable political appetite where you aim to consolidate power through the likes of Mawaya (Ukambani), Hassan Omar (Coast), and Cleophas Malala Western and cause anarchy and unrest in the party. You will be shocked because you will exit with President William Ruto. 2032 will be a time for the Luhya Nation to take over the leadership mantle, and you should respect the Mulembe Nation as it has a population of 7 million and no politician is going to play cheap politics against us at all. We are not a small community, and you should tread carefully as we are keen on taking over this country’s leadership.”

Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale plants a tree at Shamberere National Polytechnic. Photo by Andanje Wakhungu

He assured the DP that by 2032 it will not be him as the next president but the Luhya nation, which has sacrificed for so long for other communities, and he should brace for a bruising battle from the Mulembe leadership, Khalwale said. “You cannot start undermining the party from within by using young politicians to bring chaos into the party to weaken your opponents; we will face you man-to-man to ensure that your plans do not succeed at all. Get ready to leave as President William Ruto finishes his two terms.

Khalwale said Rigathi Gachagua was busy traversing the country and even outside to fight for the rights of coffee farmers. He called on Luhya leaders to stand firm and advocate for the revival of the stalled sugar companies in the area, lashing out at Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa for opposing the resuscitation of cane farming in the county.

He called on the police to desist from scuffling with politicians. He blamed Governor Barasa for trying to block Mumias East MP Salasya from speaking the truth, terming the act a sign of cowardice. Khalwale said Barasa was the worst manager the county will ever have, as he has failed to articulate issues affecting the county at large.

Regarding the Lugari forest land scandal, he warned the public against falling victim to scammers who have been defrauding unsuspecting Kenyans out of their money, noting that the land was not for sale at all and that culprits should be apprehended. He defended the government against the high cost of living and urged Kenyans to bear with the government since the trend is global, but assured them that the government of President William Ruto was streamlining the country for a better future.