Khetia’s Supermarket Management Warns The Public Against Falling Victim To Tricks By Fraudsters

By Andanje Wakhungu In Kakamega

One of Kenya’s leading supermarket chains, Khetia’s, has alerted its customers and members of the public to be aware of online scammers who purport to be recruiting new staff on their behalf. The supermarket’s management has at the same time distanced itself from some suspicious social media platforms being operated by the fraudsters. The social media platforms are used to lure innocent young members of the public for recruitment.

Khetia Supermarkets’ overall manager Bernard Andere cautioned the public to be on the lookout against fraudsters, adding that the supermarket does not ask for payment when recruiting new members of staff.

The management acknowledged that the trend has resurfaced after being curtailed for a while and called on those seeking employment with them to follow the right channels.

“There are several social media accounts bearing the name Khetias, and the people behind them are advertising for non-existent jobs where one is offered a WhatsApp number to type in his or her personal details for vacancies, after which they are asked to send cash, only for the crooks to cut off communication after receiving the money.” The director of the supermarket, Ashok Khetias, confirmed having received several complaints and stated that stern action would be taken against those found culpable.

He called on the DCI’s anti-fraud unit to crack the whip against scammers to cushion innocent Kenyans from being robbed. “With the current high cost of living, fraudsters have devised ways of earning a living the wrong way, and Khetias, being a household name in the country, has been targeted as a perfect decoy to lure jobseekers into falling for their tricks,” he said.

He said the outlet conducts genuine open employment criteria when the right time comes and that they do not engage individuals or third-party companies to recruit employees on their behalf. The management maintained that it has been rated as the best retailer in East Africa for years. They have also been at the forefront of creating employment opportunities for Kenyans who work in various capacities within their outlets spread across the country.