Nairobi City MCAs Pile Pressure On Governor Sakaja For Bursary Funds 

By The Weekly Vision Team

A section of Nairobi MCAs has threatened to impeach Governor Johnson Sakaja if he fails to release bursary cheques within 24 hours. Led by Gatina MCA Kennedy Swaka, who is also the deputy vice chairman of the Education Committee, the MCAs are also considering paralyzing other activities in Nairobi County. The MCAs are under pressure from the electorate to whom they issued bursary cheques before the close of the third term. Money has not been released for schools by the governor, despite the assembly having passed a budgetary allocation of Ksh. 857 million for bursaries.

According to the MCAs, the expectations were that the third-term cheques were to be released before schools closed for the December holiday, but this has not come to pass. The ground, according to sources, has been hostile toward the MCAs, who cannot convince the electorate as to why they have not been able to gain access to the money despite the budget approval.

The MCAs are now worried that with third-term cheques not issued, what will happen to cheques the parents should be expecting before schools open in January? It is as a result of the delay that the MCAs are now threatening to impeach Sakaja over incompetence and bursary delays. MCAs are also concerned that Nairobi County collects over Ksh. 30 million per day, yet there are concerns about the cleanliness of the city. Sakaja has been accused of failing to pay garbage collectors despite the huge revenues collected daily.

Another concern is the rising number of cartels looting resources and revenue at City Hall. There are claims that cartels have taken over the running and management of social halls in Nairobi, but the governor has failed to take any action. Sources revealed that the county is losing revenue as a huge chunk of the money collected at various social halls ends up in the pockets of the cartels, which have strategically placed their men to run the halls.

Sources say there are worrying trends in the re-emergence of cartels at City Hall. Many cartels have been blamed for frustrating the Nairobi County government, resulting in poor leadership and a lack of service delivery. Investigations reveal that the faceless cartels, in conjunction with some rogue county officials, are sabotaging the governors’ administration the same way they did to the previous administration.