Is Amos Wako Plotting Political Comeback Amidst Governor Otuoma’s Fallout With His Party Leader? 

By The Weekly Vision Team

Former Busia senator Amos Wako’s speech at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga memorial and public lecture at Ofafa Hall in Kisumu left many political pundits scratching their heads, wondering whether he was planning to go back into elective politics. Keen followers of Mr Wako’s style of politics will agree that since the 2022 elections, the ex-senator decided to take a sabbatical leave from active politics, only to resurface during the Kisumu event.

In politics, nothing happens out of the blue; everything is well scripted, planned, and executed to achieve specific political objectives. The big question on many people’s lips now is: what is it that might have made Mr. Wako wake up from his deep political slumber? His appearance at the Kisumu event came barely a week after Governor Paul Otuoma was heckled during an ODM party registration exercise. The heckling and booing forced Mr Otuoma to cut short his speech.

Immediately after the ugly incident in Busia, Governor Otuoma flew to Nairobi to meet Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi. Days later, he hosted President Ruto in Busia in a low-key event that was boycotted by most MPs from the county. Going by the current political situation in Busia, and according to an ODM party insider as well as Western Kenyan leaders allied to Raila Odinga, Mr Otuoma’s case is done; he stands no chance of defending his seat on the ODM party in 2027. Mr Otwoma, being an old member of the ODM, is well aware that the ground is hostile against him; only through a miracle can the situation change in his favour at the moment.

Political analysts say that Wako’s presence at the Kisumu event was well planned and executed by the party’s top leadership to send a warning signal to Mr Otuoma that ODM has capable party loyalists who are ready to take him head-on in 2027. Sources say Raila Odinga has always had a soft spot for Mr Wako, who, according to sources, opted out of elective politics after being secretly promised a plum position in government had they won power.

Speculation was rife at the time that Mr Wako would have become Raila’s Attorney General or Chief Justice had they won the 2022 presidential elections. However, that did not come to pass, as William Ruto was declared the winner.