ODM’s Edwin Sifuna Responds to EALA MP Sankok Regarding Raila Odinga’s Political Future

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna has taken EALA MP David Ole Sankok to task over his remarks regarding Raila Odinga’s potential departure from opposition party politics amidst his bid for the African Union Commission Chairperson position.

Mr. Odinga’s decision to vie for the AU Commission Chairmanship has ignited widespread speculation about his political trajectory, prompting discussions about his exit from Kenya’s political scene.

Sifuna’s criticism follows Sankok’s comments made during a public event in Narok County last week, where the EALA MP expressed his intention to garner support from East African leaders for Mr. Odinga’s AU bid as a gesture of gratitude for ODM’s backing during his own election to the regional legislative body. However, Sankok’s casual remarks did not go unnoticed by Mr. Sifuna, who admonished the legislator for engaging in local politics despite his mandate to focus on regional matters as an EALA representative.

Addressing Mr. Sankok directly, Sifuna reminded him of his duty to prioritize EALA affairs and refrain from involving himself in perceived succession politics within ODM. He emphasized that Raila would remain at the helm of ODM regardless of his AU chairmanship aspirations. The exchange between Sifuna and Sankok underscores the underlying tensions within ODM regarding Raila’s bid for the AU position and the potential implications for the party’s future leadership dynamics.