High Court Overturns Former CS Rashid Echesa’s Acquittal In Fake Arms Case, Orders Retrial 

 In a shocking turn of events, the High Court in Milimani has overturned the acquittal of Rashid Echesa, former Sports Cabinet Secretary and current Chairperson of the Kenya Water Towers Agency Board, in the Ksh.39 billion fake arms case. High Court Judge Kanyi Kimondo delivered the judgment, citing errors by the trial magistrate and a lack of testimony from crucial witnesses.

 The ruling comes after the prosecution presented a compelling case against Echesa, arguing that he should have been found with a case to answer rather than acquitted. As a result, Echesa has been directed to appear before the Milimani Chief Magistrate on March 4, 2024, for mention and directions on his defence hearing in the arms matter.

 Echesa was initially charged alongside several others with various offences related to the fake arms scandal, including conspiracy to commit a felony and obtaining money by pretence. The decision to overturn his acquittal marks a significant development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the case.

 Echesa’s appointment as Chairperson of the Kenya Water Towers Agency Board by President William Ruto in May 2023 adds another layer of complexity to the situation, raising questions about his continued involvement in public office amid the retrial proceedings.

 As the case unfolds, all eyes will be on the courtroom as the truth behind the Ksh.39 billion fake arms scandal is brought to light.