President Ruto Throws His Full Weight Behind Raila Odinga For AU Chair

President William Ruto has thrown his full weight behind Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission chairperson seat. Speaking at a crucial session of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), the president emphasised the importance of East Africa presenting a united front by endorsing Mr. Odinga as the sole candidate for the January 2025 AU elections.

Ruto’s impassioned call for solidarity highlights a significant shift in regional dynamics, transcending political divides for the collective advancement of East Africa’s interests on the continental stage. Raila Odinga’s entry into the race for AU Commission chairperson has garnered widespread support, with endorsements from seven African presidents lending credibility to his campaign. 

The backing of Raila Odinga by President Ruto and leaders across the political spectrum reflects a pragmatic approach to advancing East Africa’s influence within the AU. This collaborative effort not only signifies a departure from traditional rivalries but also underscores a commitment to effective leadership and governance at the continental level. As East Africa rallies behind Raila Odinga’s candidature, the region positions itself as a formidable force in shaping Africa’s future.