Kitui County Assembly: Huge Political Fight Emerges Between Kalonzo Musyoka And Governor Malombe 

By The Weekly Vision Team

What started as a simple political misunderstanding between Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Kitui Governor Julius Malombe has evolved into a complex situation that now ropes in the leadership of the county assembly. Immediately after the last general elections, discord emerged between Malombe and his then-political ally Kalonzo. This disagreement stemmed from their public declarations, where Malombe allegedly admitted to having been working closely with President William Ruto at a time when Kalonzo was actively leading demonstrations against Ruto’s administration. 

Although they project a unified image in public, the two leaders harbour clear animosity towards each other in private. The fact that Malombe secured the gubernatorial seat primarily due to Kalonzo’s influence is widely acknowledged. However, he has now emerged from Kalonzo’s political shadow and asserted his dominance, much to the chagrin of Kalonzo and his closest allies. 

The power struggle between Kalonzo and Malombe has now extended to the county assembly, where Kalonzo enjoys a significant following. He, however, faces strong opposition from Governor Malombe, who has successfully attracted several MCAs who were previously aligned with Kalonzo Musyoka. This behind-the-scenes conflict is now being fought in the political arena as both politicians compete for dominance over Kalonzo’s political stronghold. 

According to analysts, it has been observed that Malombe has successfully garnered the support of nearly half of the county assembly MCAs. These MCAs have frequently acted contrary to the desires of Kalonzo Musyoka during the assembly’s crucial voting. Silent wars have unfolded within the assembly, with the most recent one entailing the replacement of certain MCAs in two powerful committees.

These MCAs have been substituted by individuals who are considered to be foot soldiers of Governor Malombe. The MCA’s, perceived as allies of Kalonzo Musyoka and who serve in the Business Committee and the Kitui County Assembly Selection Committee, that have been kicked out are Priscilla Makumi, Titus Kasinga, Mark Ndingo, Sammy Munyithya, and Mercy Muema.

After being ousted from their positions, they went to court to seek temporary orders to prevent the Speaker of the County Assembly from replacing them in the two important committees. Makumi had been removed from the House business committee, while the others were members of the selection committee. It is worth noting that no explanation was given for the decision to remove them from the respective committees.

It is imperative to note that Malombe is believed to have a vested interest in the two committees, especially the Selection Committee. This committee holds a pivotal role as it determines the composition of the other committees within the assembly, in accordance with the regulations stated in Standing Order 152 of the County Assembly of Kitui Standing Orders.

Additionally, there are suspicions that Malombe is determined to take full control of the powerful County Assembly Business Committee, which serves as the driving force behind the daily operations and transactions of the County Assembly. 

Further, there have been reports that the Wiper Democratic Movement has thrown its support behind the dismissed MCAs by submitting an affidavit, signed by its Secretary General on March 6, 2024. The affidavit states that the ousted MCAs are members of the Wiper Party and that their expulsion from committees contradicted the party’s principles on gender equality. 

A ruling delivered on March 19, 2023, by Judge Justice R. K. Limo reads, “This means that the reconstitution of the select committee as per the list forwarded to the assembly via a letter by Majority Leader dated 27.2.24 is suspended, and the status quo in respect to that committee shall be either maintained pending the determination of the petition herein or reconstitution shall be done in accordance with Standing Orders 151 and 156 of Kitui County Assembly Standing Orders, whichever comes first”.