Kalonzo Musyoka Plans To Abandon Azimio Over The NADCO Report

It seems that Kalonzo Musyoka and Eugine Wamalwa have devised a plan to exit the Azimio coalition with their sights set on the 2027 presidential elections. They are diligently working together to develop a strategic approach that will ultimately culminate in the formation of a new coalition 

By The Weekly Vision Team

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and DAP-K party leader Eugene Wamalwa could be on their way out of the Azimio Coalition, judging by their recent comments regarding a fresh litigation surrounding the NADCO report. Sources say the two are working on forming their own coalition after disagreeing with Raila Odinga over the NADCO report.

Mr Kalonzo conveyed a stern warning towards ODM leader Raila Odinga and President William Ruto when he addressed the media. Mr Musyoka said he held a high level of suspicion that the two influential figures may have orchestrated the legal process that has resulted in the suspension of the implementation of the NADCO report. 

According to Wamalwa and Kalonzo, it is alleged that both William Ruto and Raila Odinga have inside information about the ongoing court case, and there are apprehensions that they could potentially profit if the report is not implemented.  It seems that Kalonzo and Wamalwa have devised a plan to exit the coalition and engage in discussions about their political aspirations, with their sights set on the 2027 presidential elections. Kalonzo and Wamalwa are diligently working together to develop a strategic approach that will result in the withdrawal of multiple Azimio affiliate parties, ultimately culminating in the formation of a new coalition. 

The truth of the matter is that Kalonzo and Wamalwa are trying to chart their own political path away from Raila Odinga’s and ODM’s. However, it is evident that Narc-Kenya, under the leadership of Martha Karua, is unlikely to join forces with the Kalonzo bandwagon. The involvement of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Jubilee Party in Kalonzo’s game plan remains unknown. 

According to analysts, the inclusion of Wamalwa suggests that Uhuru is potentially supporting the new political initiative. If Kalonzo and Wamalwa were to officially depart from Azimio, it would bring about a significant transformation in the political scenario.  The worrisome aspect is that Wamalwa opposed the report, and it is reasonable to assume that he would express gratitude towards the courts for halting its implementation. However, ironically, he is now blaming Ruto and the Deep State for this outcome. This contradictory stance is now being perceived as a form of doublespeak. 

On the contrary, Kalonzo took on the responsibility of co-chairing the negotiations, but he now readily points fingers at Raila and Ruto, to the extent of alleging that he was manipulated. Understandably, Kalonzo carries a sense of bitterness, given that he would reap the greatest rewards if the NADCO report was put into effect, as he would become the leader of the opposition.