Martha Karua Criticises President Ruto’s Response To Doctors’ Strike

In a bold stance against the government’s response to the ongoing doctors’ strike, Narc-Kenya party leader Martha Karua has criticised President William Ruto’s handling of the crisis, asserting that the administration has failed to prioritise the well-being of Kenyans.

She delivered her remarks during a gathering in Naivasha last week, and they resonated with the frustrations of many Kenyans. She lambasted what she described as the government’s arrogance and misplaced priorities, condemning lavish spending on luxury items while essential services like healthcare are neglected.

“Sit down and talk to the doctors. You cannot say there is no money, yet we see you splashing our money on luxury items. The tea alone taken at State House is enough to meet the doctor’s demands,” Karua asserted. She was in Naivasha, meeting party officials and supporters at Sawela Lodge. Karua highlighted the severe shortages of medical personnel and supplies, painting a grim picture of the healthcare system’s current predicament.

President Ruto recently weighed in on the doctors’ strike, emphasizing the need for fiscal responsibility and citing the challenge posed by a hefty wage bill. However, his comments drew swift criticism from the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU), which rejected any suggestion of compromising on fair compensation for doctors’ hard work.

KMPDU Secretary General Davji Bhimji decried attempts to make doctors the scapegoats for broader fiscal issues, emphasising the vital role they play in the healthcare system. Despite a government offer of Ksh.2.4 billion to address the strike, the doctors remained steadfast in their demands, arguing that the proposal fell short of honouring the terms of the 2017 CBA. As the standoff persists, Karua’s outspoken criticism of the government’s response adds fuel to the growing public outcry over the healthcare crisis.