MP Didmus Barasa Advocates For Long-Term Rule By President Ruto’s UDA Party In Kenya 

Kimilili Member of Parliament (MP), Didmus Barasa sparked a fresh debate on Monday when he advocated for a longer tenure in office for the Kenya Kwanza administration. The MP is suggesting that the coalition should govern for the next 50 years, drawing parallels with long-ruling parties in other African nations such as South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) and Tanzania’s Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). The MP envisions a similar dominance for President Ruto’s UDA party in Kenya.

The MP proposed that after President Ruto’s anticipated 10-year rule, all his successors should hail from the Kenya Kwanza coalition. He emphasized the importance of continuity and building upon the progress initiated by President Ruto, likening the coalition’s envisioned longevity to the stability and continuity seen in ANC-ruled South Africa and CCM-ruled Tanzania.

The Kenya Kwanza coalition, which rose to power during the 2022 general election, has hinted at potential constitutional amendments regarding presidential term limits. Nandi County Senator Samson Cherargei previously suggested extending the presidential term limit from five to seven years, arguing that the current term duration is insufficient for effective governance and fulfilling electoral promises.

However, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), to which Cherargei belongs, distanced itself from the proposal, with party Secretary General Cleophas Malala dismissing it as unnecessary. Similarly, earlier proposals by Fafi MP Salah Yakub to abolish the two-term limit and set an age limit for presidential candidates faced resistance, particularly within the UDA ranks.

According to proponents like Barasa and Cherargei, restricting presidential terms to two cycles inhibits the ability of effective leaders to continue their developmental agendas. They argue that extending term limits would provide elected leaders with more time to implement transformative policies and drive national progress.