Why DP Gachagua Is Now In Support Of BBI

By The Weekly Vision Reporter

A few weeks after he offered an unconditional apology to retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s family, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has publicly made it known that he now supports the former president’s one man, one vote, and one shilling initiative. Last week, the DP delivered a strongly worded speech that reopened the debate, firmly stating his unapologetic support for the idea. 

The DP’s move has not gone unnoticed by those who have been keenly following political events in the Mount Kenya region. It is widely believed that he is employing a charm offensive to solidify his support base in the region and actively expanding his network by reaching out to influential leaders beyond the confines of his home region.

The DP is undergoing a major political rebranding with the 2027 campaigns in sight. His recent speeches, attire, and approach to addressing national issues, as well as responding to attacks from members of the opposition, have attracted support from across the country. It is essential to note that the DP home region rejected former president Uhuru Kenyatta in the run-up to the last elections for two major reasons. First, it was due to his association with ODM leader Raila Odinga, and secondly, because of his role in initiating and supporting the one man, one vote, and one shilling initiative, which the region vehemently opposed. 

The DP has now recognized that the one man, one vote, and one shilling initiative, or BBI, contained beneficial clauses for his home region and is now actively seeking to reopen the discussion on the matter. However, analysts agree that President William Ruto is not interested in entertaining that narrative.

Is the Deputy President ready to take the bull by the horns? Sources indicate that the DP is unapologetically conveying a message to his Mount Kenya supporters that the BBI was advantageous for them and ought to be brought back. To ensure his constituents are well-informed, he has made it a point to convey the BBI message in the region with suggestions to split several constituencies.

According to the BBI proposal, the distribution of revenue would be based on population figures, a point that President Ruto is not supportive of. The fallout between the president and Kiambu WP Gathoni Wamuchomba is in the implementation of the BBI narrative.

Sources reveal that Mr Gachagua is heeding feedback from the local population, who believe that more resources should be directed towards the region for development. Analysts say the DP has studied the mood on the ground and wants to remain relevant, hence the reopening of the debate on resource allocation.