Is Uhuru Kenyatta Grooming Eugene Wamalwa To Face William Ruto In 2027?

By The Weekly Vision Team

Former defence CS Eugene Wamalwa is trapped in a catch-22 situation regarding his next political move. He has become the subject of speculation among political analysts and supporters who have been left guessing what his next plans are. Keen followers of Mr Wamalwa’s brand of politics will acknowledge that the DAP-K Party leader lacks a solid political base at the moment that can help re-launch his dwindling career ahead of the 2027 general elections. 

The loss of Azimio Raila Odinga in the last general election negatively impacted Mr Wamalwa’s political career. According to reliable sources, had Raila Odinga emerged as the winner, Mr Wamalwa would probably be a very powerful cabinet secretary in Mr Odinga’s government today. There were speculations at the time that he would land a top CS position in Mr Odinga’s government, regrettably, for him, it never came to pass.

His designation to the National Dialogue Committee led by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and the UDA party’s Kimani Ichungwa was in the interest of Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. From the very start, both Uhuru Kenyatta and Wamalwa were against the discussions, and this is why they dismissed the committee’s recommendations. 

Political observers, however, say that Mr Wamalwa has a wide range of opportunities to pursue before the 2027 elections. He has shown interest in running for the presidency under Azimio; his intention has, however, been laughed off by opponents, who have characterized him as a political novice who cannot run a substantial presidential campaign. Mr Wamalwa’s second option would be to pursue the position of running mate behind another presidential candidate. Reports suggest that ODM could be working on a plan to be Kalonzo Musyoka’s running mate in the upcoming 2027 elections, although there are suggestions that ODM is advocating for one of their own as Kalonzo’s running mate. 

Furthermore, there have been reports suggesting that Uhuru Kenyatta is trying to form an alliance, wherein Mr Wamalwa would occupy a crucial position as a running mate to Uhuru Kenyatta’s preferred candidate for the presidency. Speculation suggests that Mr Kenyatta is working on a strategy to bring on board Kalonzo Musyoka, Wamalwa, Martha Karua, Jeremiah Kioni, Gideon Moi, and key politicians from Mount Kenya to compete against Ruto in 2027. 

It is too early to ascertain all the individuals who will be chosen to be part of the alliance, although sources indicate that they will be partnered with a Luhya running mate, most probably Eugene Wamalwa.