Wiper Party Leader Describes President Ruto’s University Funding Plan ‘A Disaster’

By Collins Wanzallah 

Azimio la Umoja co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka has described the university funding model as a disaster and promised to mobilise Kenyans to reject it. He said this while addressing a big crowd gathered at the Githurai roundabout.

“I will mobilise the country to say no! to the higher education funding model that is now a disaster and corrupt,” added Musyoka. The former vice president and Wiper Party leader said that he’s the official opposition leader in the country. He had earlier in the day attended a Sunday service at the Kimbo PFEA Church in Githurai.

He was accompanied by former Kiambu County Governor Ferdinand Waititu, DAP Kenya Party leader Eugene Wamalwa, and Jubilee Party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, among others. Dr. Musyoka told the charged crowds that chanted ”Ruto Must Go” that if elected as president in 2027, he would ensure that secondary school and university education is free. 

He reminded the gathering that under President Mwai Kibaki, they implemented the successful Free Primary Education on Day one and that it has produced the Gen Zs who have revolutionized the country. “Because of Gen Z and the Millennials, Kenya would never be the same again,” said Musyoka. The wiper leader also spoke of the need for answers following the Githurai night of terror on June 25, when police were quelling riots in different parts of the country over the anti-finance bill protests. 

“It has been two months since young men and women were brutally murdered by police bullets. We haven’t been told the numbers, which are estimated to be 300. This is not right,” continued Musyoka. He also questioned and regretted that President William Ruto was recycling the fired ministers and designating them in the Executive Office of the Presidency after Gen Zs had successfully routed them out. “If they try to bring back the Finance Bill, 2024, we will go back to the streets,” affirmed the Wiper boss. During the church service, Bishop James Wesonga talked about a compromised nation that he said required repentance so that the country could overcome its current predicament