Bungoma Businessman Enoch Makokha Says He’s Ready To Replace Moses Wetang’ula As Senator

As residents of Bungoma County gear up to elect their next Senator on December 8th following Moses Wetang’ula’s resignation to take up the National Assembly Speaker position, many candidates have lined up to fill the void.

One of them is a youthful businessman, Enoch Opara Makokha, who hails from Lutonyi village, in Kanduyi Constituency. Makokha, who is a security expert, has received backing from residents of Kanduyi constituency, who have termed him as the most visionary leader fit enough to replace Moses Wetang’ula as Senator.

Speaking in Bungoma town on Wednesday, Mr Makokha’s supporters urged the electorates to back his candidature to capture the seat as he possesses similar visionary characters to those of Mr Wetangula.“Makokha is a visionary leader who has the interest of the people at heart. We will rally everyone to support his bid,” said Mr Dan Simiyu, a boda boda operator. Simiyu, also urged youths across the county’s nine constituencies to rally behind him. Simon Wafula, a business representative from Kanduyi constituency, added that Makokha’s manifesto resonates well with the common mwananchi, having been brought up from a humble background.

“Looking at his (Makokha) manifesto, it caters for the common hustlers in terms of socio-economic empowerment,” he stated. Anthony Wamalwa added, “We will vote for Makokha because he is the only candidate who has grown up from within this area and understands the pain and anguish of our people, making him fit for this job.”

Many supporters who spoke to The Weekly Visio said they would wish the seat to go to a neutral person like Makokha. If elected, Makokha said he will prioritize bills that revolve around revenue allocation to the people of Bungoma County and will collaborate with Governor Ken Lusaka to deliver. About 15 people have expressed interest in replacing Wetang’ula as Bungoma senator.

 By Brown Wafula

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