Ukambani Political Leaders Castigate CS Moses Kuria Over Threats To Evict ‘Squatters’ From Portland Cement Land

Kalonzo Musyoka’s sentiments were underpinned by Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti, who disparaged Mr Kuria’s claims that the residents are squatters. She claimed that the disputed land is legitimately held by the locals and that the CS ought not to get involved owing to the decentralization of power under the 2010 constitution which provides for such issues to be resolved by the local government   

Machakos County leaders have castigated Trade, Investments, and Industry Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria after he said that he will kick out squatters from East African Portland Cement Company land in Athi River.

Kuria alleged that the company had been driven to its knees yet it owns a sizable portion of land occupied by the squatters illegally. “I’m today telling those squatters, I know you are an irresistible force but in me, you will find an immovable object. I’m promising to send the National Youth Service, who will start working on the idle land. No other piece of land belonging to this company will be grabbed’’ vowed Kuria.  Machakos leaders, led by Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka insisted they won’t be coerced to evacuate the land.  Speaking on Wednesday in Lukenya, Kalonzo took a jab at CS Kuria, accusing him of intruding. Kalonzo alleged that the corporation was planning to seize land belonging to the local community.

Trade, Investments, and Industry Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria

“African Portland Company is a loss-making company marked for privatization; let’s not fall for that trap. Jiulizeni kwa nini huyu waziri anakuja mapema ata hajamaliza mwezi mmoja, kazi ya trade si ni kubwa sana?” He stated.

The Wiper leader’s sentiments were underpinned by Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti, who disparaged Mr Kuria’s claims that the residents are squatters. She claimed that the disputed land is legitimately held by the locals and that the CS ought not to get involved owing to the decentralization of power under the 2010 constitution which provides for such issues to be resolved by the local government.

“Wacha kusema watu wetu wamezoea kugrab land, wale ambao walikua wanakaa huko Waitiki si walipewa land. Hawa watu si masquatter, hawa watu wamekaa kwa shamba lao,” she said. “The last time I checked, Honorable Kuria, the land was devolved, ilirudi kwako aje?” added Wavinya. To get President Ruto to address the matter, Kalonzo further vowed to organize protests to the State House if the CS and the company did not halt their intended eviction mission.

“Wakirudi hapa na mabulldozer tutaita wakamba wote tutoke hapa twende kwa Ruto. Mimi nitatumana kwa Rais Ruto sababu tunajua nia za Portland, they want to privatize the company so that people buy shares as members of the company so that they grab your land,” he claimed.

By Lavin Atieno

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