Investigations reveal that Arvinder enlisted members of his extended family to the company’s payroll where they earn huge salaries. At CFAO, the Singhs enjoy a much higher salary despite hardly attaining a university level of education as compared to indigenous Kenyans
Members of staff at CFAO, formerly Toyota Kenya are a disgruntled lot, sources say, morale is at its lowest ebb due to mismanagement of the company by top managers. Some of the employees who talked to The Weekly Vision on strict conditions of anonymity revealed that they work in a very toxic environment.
The staff now claims that the man behind their frustration is the Managing Director Arvinder Reel and Chief Operations Manager Joshua Anya. According to the staff, there are several cases of mistreatment, nepotism, tribalism, exclusion, stifled career growth and constant intimidation.

Investigations reveal that Arvinder enlisted members of his extended family to the company’s payroll where they earn huge salaries. At CFAO, the Singhs enjoy a much higher salary despite hardly attaining a university level of education as compared to indigenous Kenyans. Sources further allege that Mr Anya has a personal vendetta against certain communities like the Kikuyu and the Luos whom he has declared his number-one enemies at CFAO.
Records are clear that ever since he took charge, all Kikuyus working in the Spare Parts department were sacked from the warehouse on flimsy grounds and framed-up charges. Further, it is alleged that Indian suppliers linked to Arvinder are offered disposed Toyota Kenya vehicles at throwaway prices.
Investigations further reveal that Kisumu Concrete built the gate worth Ksh. 400,000 but was allegedly paid Ksh. 20 Million and the perimeter wall at Ksh. 100 Million at the CFAO Kenya Motors Kisumu branch. The guy rules Toyota Kenya with an iron fist and any dissenting voice is thwarted with force
Sources say the MD is under investigation over the construction of the Ksh. 500m CFAO showroom in Kisumu where a huge chunk of the project money is suspected to have gone into people’s pockets. Sources say the company behind the Kisumu scam is known as Kisumu Concrete. However, in an attempt to salvage the disturbing situation that is quickly getting out of hand, Arvinder demoted a section of vocal employees led by one Peter Wanjala who was outspoken and openly talked against the mismanagement of the Kisumu project.
Investigations further reveal that Kisumu Concrete built the gate worth Ksh. 400,000 but was allegedly paid Ksh. 20 Million and the perimeter wall at Ksh. 100 Million at the CFAO Kenya Motors Kisumu branch. The guy rules Toyota Kenya with an iron fist and any dissenting voice is thwarted with force. Peter Wanjala was in charge of Corporate Affairs at Toyota Kenya before being forcefully moved against his will to DT-Dobie.
Arvinder has also ensured that his friends are offered disposed company vehicles at throwaway prices. An Insurance company, a Travel agency and Kisumu Concrete were among the beneficiaries. It is alleged that some of the building works have been granted to a company closely linked to a member of Arvinder’s wealthy family.
Because of poor management and frustration faced by indigenous Kenyan members of staff, some key personnel at CFAO Motors Kenya resigned in search of greener pastures elsewhere. Sylvia Agani, formerly the Nanyuki Branch Manager, resigned after sighting high levels of toxicity from Arvinder and Risk Manager, Margaret Guandaru Guandaru. She has since joined Scania Kenya. The General Manager of Loxea Limited, also under the CFAO group, Andrew Omollo also resigned sighting frustrations and threats from Arvinder. David Muraguri, a Parts Supervisor at Central Parts Store also resigned and joined a competitor, Isuzu Kenya