DP Gachagua Claims Court Cases Were ‘Framed Up’ Asks DPP Haji To Drop Them

“Some DCI officers recently claimed they were forced by the former government to frame me with cases of corruption. But withdrawing them and clearing me is not enough, those other people who were also framed should have their cases withdrawn as well. It doesn’t make any sense to punish some individuals just because of their different political ideologies”-DP Gachagua

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has asked Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Noordin Haji to consider dropping court cases against former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s political opponents. He claimed officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) were coerced into framing opponents of the previous administration.

Speaking in Kabarnet, Baringo County, on Sunday during a thanksgiving service, the deputy president said that it was improper for the previous administration to have persecuted leaders who did not share President Uhuru’s political ideologies.

“Some DCI officers recently claimed they were forced by the former government to frame me with cases of corruption. But withdrawing them and clearing me is not enough, those other people who were also framed should have their cases withdrawn as well. It doesn’t make any sense to punish some individuals just because of their different political ideologies,” said Gachagua. He assured Kenyans that the Ruto-led administration will not emulate the previous administration’s strategy of leveraging the legislative and executive branches of government to thwart their opponents.

“Some of us were under pressure not to support President William Ruto in the General Election but we defied. This government will not go that direction of using the police and DCI to frustrate Kenyans in the name of politics, it will never happen. Let Kenyans have their freedom of speech,” said Gachagua.

“Those who framed us, we have forgiven you. The person who sent them to arrest us as well as frustrate us in court, we have forgiven him so that as a country we can move on,” He added. The Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions recently dropped the charges against the deputy president due to a lack of evidence. The lead investigator Obadiah Kuria was allegedly under pressure to impose the charges before determining the truth.

By Lavin Atieno

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