Last Minute Appointees By Uhuru Kenyatta Targeted For Removal From Plum State Jobs

Barely two weeks after President Ruto unceremoniously sacked former Head of Public Service Amb. Francis Muthaura from the chairmanship of Kenya Revenue Authority, the axe is now targeting all retirees the former president appointed to chair various state corporations.
The Weekly Vision has now gathered that former Solicitor General Wanjuki Muchemi who is the board chairman at the Kenya Investment Authority could be the next casualty. Mr Muchemi who is known to be a personal friend of the Kenyatta family was appointed for 3 years with effect from the 14th of April, 2022. His contract is therefore supposed to expire in April 2025.

However, it should be noted that the President has executive powers to revoke appointments of chairmen and board members of State Corporations at will. It is against this that the president’s men are said to be targeting Mr Muchemi for removal. He has served the country in various capacities. Before he was appointed board chairman of Kenya Investment Authority, he had served as chairman of the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority for three years.
Also on the chopping board is the Acting CEO Olivia Rachier who has been acting for years. The authority has operated without a substantive CEO for years.

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