Wells Fargo Employees Complain Of Being Exploited By Management

The employees claim of being intimidated into silence by the company’s rogue management led by one Richard Baudry. Mr Baudry’s priority is making profits at the expense of the workers’ well-being. Drivers and escorts say they are forced to transport goods in unroadworthy vehicles, which puts them at major risk of accidents on Kenya’s dangerous roads and anyone that dares to complain is immediately shown the exit door

All is not well at Wells Fargo as employees and disgruntled employees reveal what they are undergoing. Speaking to The Weekly Vision on strict condition of anonymity for fear of victimization, a section of the employees reported that the management is seriously mistreating the staff, especially those in the courier services section.

The employees claim of being intimidated into silence by the company’s rogue management led by one Richard Baudry. Mr Baudry’s priority is making profits at the expense of the workers’ well-being. Drivers and escorts say they are forced to transport goods in unroadworthy vehicles, which puts them at major risk of accidents on Kenya’s dangerous roads and anyone that dares to complain is immediately shown the exit door.

To make matters worse, the allowances they receive can hardly sustain them for long-distance trips. The truck drivers are allegedly exploited to work extra hours without enjoying adequate overtime benefits. They complained of the condition of where they spend their resting hours at Transami which they say is deplorable.

The meal allowance given to the drivers is too little to take care of themselves for the time they are expected to be on duty. The same suffering extends to escorts and those who pack parcels on the trucks.

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