Governor Otuoma Hails Truce Between Ababu Namwamba And Raphael Wanjala

If we collaborate instead of fighting each other, this community will be strong,” CS Nmwamba said, insisting that no one gains from the rivalry between him with Hon. Wanjala and it was time for them to shun rigid politics which wastes energy and brings hatred

By Felix Agunda

Busia County Governor Dr Paul Otuoma has hailed a truce between Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba and his bitter political rival Hon. Raphael Wanjala. Dr Otuoma was speaking at Ababu Namwamba’s homecoming ceremony which was held on Thursday 22nd December following his appointment into the Cabinet.

The governor urged the people of Budalang’i to emulate the good example shown by the two leaders saying that politics of divisions, bitterness and hatred was outdated. On his part, Hon. Ababu Namwamba told the gathering that he was proud of the unity among the people of Budalangi, adding that the Abanyala was one of the smallest Luhya Sub tribes and that the community needed to foster their development.

 “If we collaborate instead of fighting each other, this community will be strong,” CS Nmwamba said, insisting that no one gains from the rivalry between him with Hon. Wanjala and it was time for them to shun rigid politics which wastes energy and brings hatred. Dr Paul Otuoma in his speech, also informed CS Ababu that President William Ruto had given him a call and that they talked widely about the expansion of the Lower Nzoia Irrigation Scheme by another 3,500 acres from the current 7,000 acres, asking him to make a follow up on the matter.

Hon. Ababu informed him that he was privy to that discussion saying that he was together with president Ruto when he was making that call.”He asked me about my governor saying that he wanted to work with you, I told him that he is just fine, asking him to personally give you a phone call, he didn’t hesitate and that is how he immediately called you, “Ababu told Otuoma.

Hon. Ababu promised to be the voice of Busia County and its advocate in government. He was accompanied by the French ambassador who also revealed that his country will partner with Kenya in developing football talents across the country.

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