The Search For Coast Region Political Kingpin Kicks Off

The name that is on the lips of many coastal power brokers and opinion leaders is that of Senate Speaker Amason Kingi. Mr Kingi was once a close ally of Mr Joho but they fell out politically after Mr Kingi joined the Kenya Kwanza coalition. Another name that has also featured prominently is that of Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro. He is a strong supporter of OAM leader Raila Odinga. He leads the most populous county in the region as governor

The exit of former Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho from the political arena has left the coastal region without a political kingpin to push the region’s agenda at the national level.  For the last ten years, Mr Joho has been the region’s political kingpin and with his exit, the region’s other political and grassroots leaders are now in search of his replacement.

Politically, regional ‘kingpins’ mobilize communities to participate in the national political process, the result of which, is to share the proverbial “national cake”. Several names are being proposed to replace Mr Joho, while other people from the region say the former Mombasa governor has only taken a sabbatical leave, adding that he will bounce back to contest the Mombasa Senatorial set in the 2027 elections.

The name that is on the lips of many coastal power brokers and opinion leaders is that of Senate Speaker Amason Kingi. Mr Kingi was once a close ally of Mr Joho but they fell out politically after Mr Kingi joined the Kenya Kwanza coalition. Another name that has also featured prominently is that of Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro. He is a strong supporter of OAM leader Raila Odinga. He leads the most populous county in the region as governor.

Mr Mung’aro hails from the Mijikenda community which populates Kilifi, Mombasa and Kwale Counties. Mung’aro could, therefore, galvanize their support in the search for regional leadership. He also has the added advantage of being an old hand in Coast politics having served as mayor of Malindi and MP.  Mr Mung’aro once served as an MP, a Chief Administrative Secretary, an ODM party Minority whip, chairman of the Coast Parliamentary Association, mayor, and now governor. Analysts say his political wisdom, experience, loyalty and age could be an advantage in his quest to lead the Coast region.

Another name being mentioned is that of Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir. Analysts say he enjoys the positive political image of his late father, Sharrif Nassir, whose leadership was admired by many coastal communities.

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