President Ruto’s Secret Plan To Neutralize Political Threats From Mount Kenya

According to intelligence reports, the president would struggle to get 50 % of the votes from the region if elections were held today, that’s why he and his entire cabinet were forced to camp in the region over several days, even unveiling projects his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta already did when still in office

If the events witnessed during President William Ruto’s visit to Mount Kenya are anything to go by, then the region’s 2027 voting pattern remains unpredictable, which may pose a big challenge to his 2027 reelection bid.

A section of the crowd openly shouted back at the president in Nyeri claiming that they have been given a raw deal and that the cost of living was too high. It was a clear indication that the president’s previous high rating in the region has diminished in just less than one year. 

According to intelligence reports, the president would struggle to get 50 % of the votes from the region if elections were held today, that’s why he and his entire cabinet camped in the region over several days and even unveiled projects his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta already did when still in office. The President has been forced to go back to his drawing board and come up with fresh strategies for fighting a clear revolt within this region he once regarded as his stronghold.

President Ruto’s big plan for 2027 according to those in the picture is to ensure the region does not have a single powerful political figure able to call the shots or give contrary political directions. In the new power games, the move is to neutralize Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s political influence in the region.

Our sources within the corridors of power aver that the president is allegedly giving Kimani Ichungwa, who is the majority leader in the National Assembly, and Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro more powers to scuttle DP Gachagua’s ambition. The two young politicians enjoy unrestricted access to the State House. The two, it should be recalled, openly supported Prof. Kithure Kindiki to serve as Ruto’s running mate against DP Gachagua. President Ruto fears that if Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka is picked as the presidential candidate by Azimio, he might unseat him if the region’s uprising continues to gather steam. At the moment, Kalonzo is said to be more popular among Kikuyu voters than Raila Odinga. The Kamba people have long been regarded as distant cousins by the Kikuyus.

DP Gachagua on the other hand still believes that Kimani Ichungwa and Ndindi Nyoro don’t pose any major threat to him politically, according to sources. President Ruto also brought on board Mr Musalia Mudavadi and created a powerful office for him (Prime Cabinet Secretary) to tame DP Gachagua heading into 2027 fully aware that the Mount Kenya region may rebel against him and thus he needed Mudavadi on board. He realizes he can replace the mountain votes with those of Luhya if he chose Mudavadi as his running mate in 2027.

Ruto’s sole chance of successfully defending his seat in 2027 is to rely on Mudavadi to bring the Luhya vote. 

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