By David Musundi
Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya has assured all needy learners who sat last year’s KCPE exams that they will be assisted by his administration to pursue further education. The Governor called on head teachers and Principals not to send children home because of school fees saying that his administration was trying all it can to address the situation.
” The school heads should empathise with parents; most drawn from humble backgrounds and allow learners in schools as we fix the problems once and for all “. ” I want to reiterate the importance of education of our children because this is the only sure way of ensuring that they have a bright future. Resources may not be enough but we shall prioritise education “, said the County boss.

Governor Natembeya was speaking in Sikhendu ward when he visited St. Theresa’s Secondary school, St. Veronica Secondary school and Weonia Primary school on a fact-finding mission aimed at lifting performance. The governor further challenged the learners to reflect on the humble background they come from and take their education seriously.
” I know that some of you come from very humble backgrounds, don’t belittle yourselves but aim high and put more focus on posting better results than those learning in bigger institutions like Alliance, Mang’u and other notable National Schools”, he said. ” Some of us studied under very difficult circumstances but we managed to come this far. It was through determination “, added the Governor.
He said his administration is focusing mainly on those who obtained 250 Marks and above in KCPE although those others who performed poorly will be considered. Governor Natembeya said though the region is faced with myriad challenges among them the shortage of teachers and infrastructure, the priority is to ensure that all school-going children are in class.
Sikhendu ward representative Andrew Kutitila echoed the Governor’s sentiments and said all ward representatives were fully supportive of his development agenda, education is among the 10 pillars envisaged in his policy framework. ” We have committed ourselves to work with His Excellency the Governor of this County to realize Rapid Results that we missed during the last era”, he said.
He asked for the Cooperation of the County boss with ward representatives to have the school feeding programme become a success in all schools in the 25 electoral wards. The Governor was accompanied by the County Secretary Madam Truphosa Amere, Water and Environment CECM Patrick Gacheru, Governance Chief Officer Sammy Sichangi, Chief of staff Dickson Wamocho and Kiminini Sub County Administrator Florence Chemayek among other high-ranking County and National Government officials.
The County boss later interacted with residents of the Weonia Location in a public meeting where developmental issues were discussed in the open. Residents expressed gratitude to the governor for choosing to directly engage them on matters of development.
” This interactive session especially on Agriculture, education and health has come up at the right time. Asante sana Governor for reaching out to us”, said 72-year Daniel Wanyama, a resident. Mama Rael Naliaka, 58 said the meeting was a relief to her and others who were grappling with the challenge of travelling to Kitale Town to collect fertiliser. The Governor ordered that fertiliser be collected at each sub-County.