Bandari Sacco Members Welcome Introduction Of New Loan Products 

Members of the deposit-taking Bandari DT Sacco have applauded the management for coming up with innovative products aimed at improving and addressing their financial needs. The Sacco with an asset base of Ksh. 12.07 billion and membership of more than 23,000 is one of the leading Saccos in Kenya as per reports from the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA).

To ensure members enjoy the much-needed financial relief and services, the management has come up with tailor-made products aimed at addressing the ever-changing economic situation in the country.  It is against this that new products have been introduced in line with Bandari Sacco’s vision of “Championing Members Socio-Economic Transformation” members have already given the management a thump-up.

The Sacco has introduced Mortgage, Jahazi, and Asset Finance Loans. The three products are expected to go a long way in addressing members’ financial needs.  The Mortgage loan is expected to transform the lives and livelihoods of members through affordable mortgage loans. Through this, members can now easily own homes and houses. The Jahazi loan is an easy and accessible as well as innovative loan facility offered to members. In the asset financing loan, the idea is to help members to secure their future through low-interest asset finance loans.

The asset financing loan is intended to support members to acquire assets such as land, motor vehicles and machinery.  Apart from the new products, members have been enjoying various loan products such as Biashara Personal Loan, BOSA one-month loan, Emergency Loan, FOSA One-Month Loan, FOSA Advanced 12 Months Loan and FOSA Consumer Loan.

Other products include FOSA Development Loan, FOSA Hybrid Loan, Microfinance Loan, Nyangumi Loan, School Fees Loan and Welfare Group Loan among others products.

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