Woman Charged In Court For Stealing From Employer

A businesswoman has been charged in court with the offense of allegedly stealing Ksh. 30 million from her former employer. Caroline Waithira Kimani, who is a former employee of Cretum Property Limited, appeared before Milimani court chief magistrate Lucas Onyina today, March 8, 2023, and denied the charge.

Caroline Waithira Kimani when she appeared in court today

Caroline Waithira Kimani is the founder of Vast Realty Limited, a real estate company. It was stated that Kimani, who was arrested last week, committed the offense on diverse dates between January 1, 2018 and October 10, 2019 at the company offices in Nairobi, where it’s alleged she stole the money.

The amount she is suspected to have stolen came into her possession by virtue of her being employed as director of finance and operations in the company. She was released on a bond of Ksh. 900,000 or, alternatively, on paying a cash bail of Ksh. 300,000. The case will be mentioned on March 20.

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