Uproar In Kirinyaga County As Governor Waiguru Pays Out Millions For Entertainment

Residents of Kirinyaga County are up in arms against their Governor Ann Waiguru after she paid out Ksh. 781,000 to a supplier for provisions of entertainment services during the official launch of Kerugoya town parking spaces.

According to inside sources, the construction of Kerugoya parking space, roads, walkways and associated works was financed by the National Government through Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP) and the County Executive should not have incurred any unbudgeted for expenditure. What this means therefore is that the governor spent taxpayers money which could have been avoided. The expenses could have been met by the national government.  It has also been discovered that the Governor approved payment of Ksh. 83,080,125 to pay basic wages for casual employees.

Governor Ann Waiguru of Kirinyaga County

However, a re-computation of the manual payroll data revealed that Ksh. 82,051,008 was paid resulting to an unexplained variance of Sh1, 029,117. It means some county staff disappeared with Ksh. 1,029,117 of which they should be surcharged. Investigations also reveal that between 1st July, 2020 and 30th June, 2021, records indicate that the county spent Ksh. 68,458,530 on fuel, oil and lubricants. Further investigations revealed that the supplier fuel records for the period 1st July, 2020 to 30th June, 2021 showed a consumption of Ksh. 33,399,144 whereas, the corresponding fuel consumption records at the County Executive indicated an amount of Ksh. 28,492,392 resulting to an unexplained variance of Ksh. 6,111,409.

Further, fuel payments made to a supplier through internet banking amounted to Ksh. 34,603,802 differing with the fuel statement amount of Ksh. 33,399,144 by an amount of Ksh. 1,204,658, another Ksh1, 204,658 disappeared.

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