Governor Natembeya Now Supports The Creation Of Mount Elgon County 

Governor Natembeya was elected on the DAP-K ticket whose leader is Eugene Wamalwa. He has since defied his party and the Azimio leadership and publicly declared that he will work with President Ruto. Initially, the governor was opposed to the split of Tranz Nzoia but sources say that after holding several meetings with President Ruto and his handlers, he is now supporting the creation of a new county curved out of the current Trans Nzoia

By The Weekly Vision Team

As the debate on whether to create more counties continues raging among a section of Kenyas, Trans Nzoia county Governor George Natembeya seems to have softened his stand on the proposal to split his county into two. Sources say the governor who also seems to have fallen out with the ODM leader Raila Odinga and his deputy Wycliffe Oparanya over his perceived links with President William Ruto, has ceded grounds and now supports the proposed split.

Governor Natembeya was elected on the DAP-K ticket whose leader is Eugene Wamalwa. He has since defied his party and the Azimio leadership and publicly declared that he will work with President Ruto. Initially, the governor was initially opposed to the split of Tranz Nzoia but sources say that after holding several meetings with President Ruto and his handlers, he is now supporting the creation of a new county curved out of the current Trans Nzoia. The governor now claims that the people of Mount Elgon have been subjected to historical and cultural discrimination hence the need for them to have their county.

The governor is said to have held several meetings with a group of Sabaot community leaders who have been pushing to have Mt Elgon region secede from Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties and have their county. Sources say with eight months in office, Mr Natembeya needs to do more to achieve his promises to the electorate as promised during the campaign period. Some claim he has concentrated more on politics. Those who have been closely monitoring his political steps claim that he has no time for Eugine Wamalwa and has vowed never to participate in Azimio rallies and demonstrations.

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