Ayub Savula Warns President Ruto Over Cleophas Malala’s Political Greed

“Mr. President, let us , the leaders from Western Kenya tell you that we are ready to work with you but only if you can talk to us through our elected leaders such as Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Dr.Boni Khalwale for they are our representatives at the national level but these theatrics being thrown around by one Cleophas Malala (whom he referred as a political broker ) were not the views of us as the majority but rather a plot crafted by himself to stay relevant and be deemed as the new kingpin in the region” -Ayub Savula

By Andanje Wakhungu


Kakamega County Deputy governor Ayub Savula has cautioned United Democratic Alliance Party (UDA) leader President William Ruto regarding his party’s Secretary General Cleophas Malala over his remarks to fold political parties with a majority support from Western Kenya. 

Mr Malava Savula cautioned President Ruto to be wary of Malala whom he termed as a political broker out to kill Mulembe politics by announcing that UDA was going to swallow all the western affiliated parties in favour of the ruling party terming the move as selfish and out to enrich him as an individual.

“We know you mean well to our people here but why is your SG trying to put words into your mouth about folding all the political parties in the region to join UDA and yet it is neither a command nor order from you as we have not heard you speak about the issue.” A charged Ayub Savula made it clear that Mr Malala’s agenda to scrap all the parties in favour of UDA was a one-sided show that was bound to throw the region into political oblivion if it succeeds and stated that they will not heed his words as he was a nobody as far as the Western politic landscape is concerned.

Governor Fernandes Barasa at Malava Level Four hospital

“Mr. President, let us , the leaders from Western Kenya tell you that we are ready to work with you but only if you can talk to us through our elected leaders such as Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Dr.Boni Khalwale for they are our representatives at the national level but these theatrics being thrown around by one Cleophas Malala (whom he referred as a political broker ) were not the views of us as the majority but rather a plot crafted by himself to stay relevant and be deemed as the new kingpin in the region”.

“We are telling him that we already know his tricks and we shall not be coerced by them at all.”  

He said Malala was a loser who was seeking to redeem himself by acting like he was the shot caller in the Mulembe politics when in a real sense he lost his political direction a long time ago after failing to clinch the ANC Kakamega gubernatorial county seat after losing it to Fernandes Barasa of ODM.

At the same time, Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa pledged his support and willingness to work with the government of the day on matters of development as it was time to offer service delivery to the people.

The two were speaking at the launch of the Tutunze Kakamega, a cross-sectoral strategy aimed at reorganizing service delivery for quality maternal and newborn care at the Malava level four hospital.

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