Is Peter Kenneth Planning To Join William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza?

  • For Peter Kenneth, the failure of Raila Odinga to clinch the presidency remains a big political blow. Initially, Azimio had plotted to have him run for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat but that plan was withdrawn after Jubilee demanded that Nairobi’s gubernatorial flag bearer be a preserve for their party. It was later proposed that he was the best candidate to be Raila’s running mate. After several meetings, his name was dropped like a hot potato and Martha Karua was brought on board

The continued absence of former Gatanga constituency MP Peter Kenneth and former Starehe MP Maina Kamanda from the ongoing Azimio protests has raised concerns among coalition supporters. Whereas the two have indeed taken sabbatical leave from politics, it is not known if the two have called it quits from politics or are plotting to join the Kenya Kwanza team.

For Peter Kenneth, the failure of Raila Odinga to clinch the presidency remains a big political blow. Initially, Azimio had plotted to have him run for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat but that plan was withdrawn after Jubilee demanded that Nairobi’s gubernatorial flag bearer be a preserve for their party. It was later proposed that he was the best candidate to be Raila’s running mate. After several meetings, his name was dropped like a hot potato and Martha Karua was brought on board.

Sources say he was to be named a Cabinet Secretary had it that Raila Odinga won the election. Following the defeat of Mr Odinga by William Ruto, Peter Kenneth continued to be in the political cold. Analysts say Peter Kenneth made a bad choice of joining Azimio. His supporters say that had he joined UDA, he would have complicated Irungu Kangata’s chances of becoming governor of Muranga or even Joe Nyutu’s Senate bid. It is also believed that had he thrown his lot with William Ruto’s UDA, he would have featured in a major way in the race for running mate or could have landed a ministerial position. Sources say he could be plotting a major political comeback in readiness for the 2027 elections, his only option now is to Ruto’s UDA. As to whether he decides to abandon his political buddies Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta, only time will tell.

For Maina Kamanda, his silence has left many wondering if he has retired from active politics or if he has just retreated to the board room and could soon make a big political announcement. Sources well versed with Nairobi politics claim that Mr Kamanda has only two options remaining, one is to retire from active politics and two is to dump Raila Odinga and join William Ruto if he is to remain politically relevant.

Sources have told The Weekly Vision that William Ruto needs Mr Kamanda to help him take control of Nairobi politics. For beginners, Kamanda is not an ordinary politician. He is considered one of Nairobi’s political fathers, having launched his political journey in the capital as early as 1979 as a counsellor.

In the run-up to the last elections, he had initially planned to run for the Senatorial seat in Nairobi but following consultations, ODM having given jubilee the gubernatorial flag had to fly the Senatorial flag and Mr Kamanda had to shelve his ambitions.

He was later to be incorporated into the presidential campaign team. However, nothing much has been heard from him after Ruto was declared the winner. It is claimed that he has taken a low profile as he schemes for political relevance ahead of the 2027 elections.

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