Azimio’s Three-Day Demonstrations Plan Shocks President Ruto

By The Weekly Vision

Azimio has called for a three-day protest beginning next week, on Mondays through Tuesday and Wednesdays, according to ODM party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna. “We will demonstrate three days straight until William Ruto understands the people are suffering and repeals this law the same way that he imposed it upon them,” he said.

It is estimated that the country may have lost up to Ksh. 10 B during the Wednesday demonstrations, a figure that has sent worrying signals to the Kenya Kwanza administration and if the three-day demos as announced by Azimio are made a reality, then Kenya’s economy will soon grind to a halt. 

In another twist, based on what was witnessed on Wednesday, pressure is now mounting on the president to open talks with Raila Odinga. Although he has been chest-thumping, sources say the number of counties that participated in the demos is worrying him. The Weekly Vision has information that secret talks have already been initiated between the two protagonists (Raila Odinga and William Ruto), although details are scanty, sources divulged that the President is ready to swallow the humble pie and open structured talks with Mr Odinga on a one on one and not through emissaries. 

The problem now is that even if President Ruto accepts to dialogue with Raila Odinga, will the talks lead to a handshake and sharing of power? Raila’s hardliners are opposed to anything to do with power sharing. However, sources say in Raila’s cards is the creation of a position of official opposition with a complete shadow cabinet to accommodate his allies as they prepare for the next elections.  

Sources say Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen has been pushing for dialogue between the two but Mr Odinga’s hardliners led by Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua, Prof. Wajakoya, Jeremiah Kioni, Peter Munya, Eugene Wamalwa among others have vowed never to discuss any issue with President Ruto’s side until the servers are opened and the 2022 presidential winner known. 

Azimio’s game plan is to make the country ungovernable and to force the Kenya Kwanza administration to call for a truce and open talks with them. According to our sources, the plan is to bring the international community on board and make demands before calling off the demos. According to the same sources, top on Azimio’s agenda is to have electoral reforms including reconstituting the IEBC where commissioners are appointed by political parties depending on their parliamentary strength, the creation of the office of official opposition with a complete shadow cabinet and calling for snap elections once the reforms are done and anchored in the constitution. 

President Ruto has been under pressure to arrest Azimio leader Raila Odinga but intelligence reports and other security apparatus have warned him against the move saying such a move may create even bigger problems in the country. Those who have been pushing for Raila’s arrest claimed that there will be riots just for one day, an idea that has been dismissed by the intelligence community. 

Going by the emerging trend witnessed on Wednesday where 20 counties took part in the demos, the Kenya Kwanza administration now seems to have realized that the country is already divided right in the middle with Azimio controlling the capital city.

The 20 counties which heeded the calls of Azimio are Nairobi- Capital, Mombasa- Coast, Nakuru- Rift Valley, Kisumu- Nyanza, Nyeri- Mt Kenya, Kirinyaga- Mt Kenya, Meru- Mt Kenya, Kisii- Nyanza, Migori- Nyanza and Siaya. Others are Siaya- Nyanza, Busia- Western, Kakamega- Western, Nyamira- Nyanza, Homa Bay- Nyanza, Machakos- Eastern, Makueni- Eastern, Kajiado- Rift Valley, Kilifi- Coast, Laikipia- Mt Kenya and Trans Nzoia- Rift Valley.

Political analysts opine that it is now clear that Raila Odinga beat William Ruto hands down in Nairobi in the last presidential elections. Azimio took control of Nairobi in the last elections with majority MPs, MCAs, Women Rep and Senator leaving the government side with only the seat of Governor. 

Analysts further say that William Ruto has lost total control of the capital city. Worldwide, capital cities are the symbol of the State’s authority. With the opposition having taken control of the city, President Ruto and allies must go back to the drawing board as we expect more counties to join the demos next week. Those who had initially claimed that the demos were a Luo-only affair must now swallow their pride and accept that a majority of Kenyans are fed up with the high cost of living under the leadership of President Ruto. 

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