President Ruto Should Scrap The Competency-Based Curriculum Syllabus In Kenya –Ayub Savula

By Andanje Wakhungu

President William Ruto’s administration should scrap the Competence Based Curriculum Syllabus in Kenya, deputy governor of Kakamega County Ayub Savula has said.

“The parliamentary task force on education was sent to Kakamega County, it has our views and we are of the opinion that the syllabus is a huge setback to the education sector in the country, it is burdening parents financially in these harsh economic times.” Speaking during the World water day at Malava sub-county grounds, the deputy governor alluded to the fact that the CBC system had failed and was a big burden to the common mwananchi owing to its exorbitant expectations from them.

Mr Savula stated that as a county, they had given out their views to the parliamentary education committee over their take on the syllabus which has received an equal share of both criticism and praise from stakeholders who are calling for its proper re-alignment and implementation, others are calling for its scrapping. “Our team here in Kakamega County met to brainstorm about the syllabus and we come out clearly with our views that the Competency-Based Curriculum is a huge financially based syllabus not meant for the country at the moment.

CBC is not going anywhere in this country. Let us be sincere over this issue, it is not working and will not work, that is the truth of the matter.” On bursary issues, he confirmed that his government had added County Kitty from Ksh. 2M to 4 Million per Ward to ensure education was accessed by all. Mr Savula said they were on point to make sure they reach out to all the citizens through the increase of bursary allocation. “Education is among our key pillars as a county and we are working towards bolstering it across the county”.

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