Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Reads The Riots Act To Kamba Community Leaders

  • Insiders however claim that Kalonzo Musyoka who has been on the frontline during the demos sees opportunities coming through the ongoing bipartisan talks between Azimio and Kenya Kwanza and was just sending warnings that only those supporting the demos stand to benefit. Wiper is the second-largest party in the Azimio Coalition in terms of parliamentary strengths. With all indications of some opposition leaders landing plum state jobs should the bipartisan talks succeed, Kalonzo was categorical that those who have been keeping off the demos shall not be considered should any opportunity arise


Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka last week came out spitting fire at his fellow Kamba tribesmen calling them cowards who have failed to come out to demonstrate against the Kenya Kwanza administration of President William Ruto over the high cost of living. An irritated Kalonzo Musyoka went further to warn the Kamba community against expecting favours in the forthcoming 2027 elections. He was reacting to claims by a section of Kamba leaders who have been pushing ODM leader Raila Odinga to pass him the leadership mantle in 2027.

In what was seen as a direct attack on Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jr, the Wiper Party leader chose to hold a rally in Makueni to send warning bells to Kilonzo Jr. who sources say has parted ways with the Wiper party leader.  Jr. is in records opposing the anti-government protests saying Ukambani does not need demos but development. Kalonzo Musyoka is said to have sent emissaries to Jr. to either toe the party line or be isolated in 2027.

Insiders however claim that Kalonzo Musyoka who has been on the frontline during the demos sees opportunities coming through the ongoing bipartisan talks between Azimio and Kenya Kwanza and was just sending warnings that only those supporting the demos stand to benefit. Wiper is the second-largest party in the Azimio Coalition in terms of parliamentary strengths. With all indications of some opposition leaders landing plum state jobs should the bipartisan talks succeed, Kalonzo was categorical that those who have been keeping off the demos shall not be considered should any opportunity arise.

Without mincing words, Kalonzo Musyoka attacked the Kamba community, openly pouring his heart out over the low turnout by residents of the region in the anti-government demonstrations. “We the Kamba community showed the nation too much cowardliness, but am thankful for the few who supported the demonstrations,” Kalonzo said.

The former vice president also urged his people to stop the narrative of asking Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga to return a favour and support his presidential ambitions in 2027, saying power is not given but taken. Kalonzo has discovered that with few Kambas joining the demos, his political influence in Ukambani politics could be interpreted to mean that it is dwindling, hence the need to stamp his authority.

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