Demoted Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital CEO Now Accuses Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosira Of Undermining Her

Dr Motio has vowed to expose Mosira’s dirty past at Pumwani Hospital including the deals he used to cut. But how did Mr Mosira who was Governor Mike Sonko’s blue-eyed boy manage to penetrate governor Sakaja’s inner circle? That is a story for another day

Barely one week after her demotion from the prestigious position of CEO of Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital to Pumwani Maternity Hospital as a specialist embattled Dr Emma Motio has come out guns blazing, accusing the County Chief Officer for Health Facilities Geoffrey Mosira of engineering her embarrassing demotion.  According to sources well versed with the happenings at the Health Department, Dr Motio has spilt the beans blaming Mr Mosira for pushing Governor Sakaja to kick her out of the lucrative and powerful position. Sources say the two have not been in good teams for long, with Mr Mosira allegedly being on a revenge mission.

For beginners, Mr Mosira was appointed by former Governor Mike Sonko as chairman of the Pumwani Hospital Board but was relieved of his duties when NMS took over the health function with Dr Ouma Oluga as the chief officer for health. The Weekly Vision has gathered information to the effect that Dr Mutio used to work closely with Dr Oluga which eventually led to her being promoted from Mbagathi to Mama Lucy in unclear circumstances.

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Why Governor Sakaja Demoted Mama Lucy Medical Superintendent Dr Emma Motio

 It was during her tenure at Mbagathi that Mr Mosira was sacked courtesy of Dr Motio’s influence. Mosira left but is said to have told his close friends that Dr Motio influenced his removal. Today, Dr Motio is accusing Mr Mosira of using his influence and closeness to Governor Johnson Sakaja to demote her.

 Sources say when Mr Mosira proposed the setting up of an ICU unit at Mama Lucy without incurring extra expenses; Dr Motio is said to have differed with him. Perhaps Dr Motio saw it as one way of making money while Mr Mosira wanted to improve the state of the facility. The two fell out and Sakaja on Mosira’s advice demoted and transferred her to Pumwani. 

Those who have been keenly following these events as they unfold now claim that Mr Mosira is on a revenge mission. Staff working in various health facilities in the county claim he is a very arrogant Chief Officer, harassing staff and management at various health facilities. Apart from Dr Motio, Mr Mosira is said to have warned Medical Superintendent at Pumwani and Mbagathi that they are next in the firing line. Reports indicate that he has been visiting the health facilities and whenever he does, senior staff are left traumatized.

Dr Motio on the other hand has vowed to expose Mosira’s dirty past at Pumwani Hospital including the deals he used to cut at there. But how did Mr Mosira who was Governor Mike Sonko’s blue-eyed boy manage to penetrate governor Sakaja’s inner circle? That is a story for another day, keep it here. 

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