- Pastor Gilbert Deya of the Miracle Baby scam is also said to be under police radar. It is not known whether he is in Kenya at the moment or relocated back to the United Kingdom. Pastor Deya had previously been involved in running a child trafficking ring which led to his deportation from the UK to Kenya where he was detained for nine months at Kamiti Prison soon after landing in the country, he was later set free after posting a Ksh. 10m bond. Since then nothing much has been heard of the case
By The Weekly Vision Team
Panic has gripped top leaders of televangelist churches in Kenya after the arrests of Pastor Makhenzie Nthenge and Ezekiel Odero over the Shakahola Massacre last week. In what began as an expose by the media of missing persons and the subsequent recovery of tens of bodies in Shakahola forest by detectives, the incident at the coast of Kenya could just be the tip of the iceberg. Kenyans in their numbers are now demanding for a comprehensive postmortem examination be carried out on the recovered bodies over claims that they could be missing vital body parts.
There is fear that Pastor Makhenzie may as well have been trafficking in human body parts, those fears can only be put to rest after thorough postmortem examinations is carried out. It is against such fears that Kenyans are pushing that post-mortem examinations be done in the presence of the deceased family members so that no information is seen to be concealed.

But even as the Shakahola exhumation of the bodies continues, several televangelist pastors are said to have gone underground following the arrest of pastor Ezekiel Odero of New International Life Church, Kilifi. Sources say there is pressure to widen investigations and to bring to book various pastors believed to have brainwashed their adherents.
One such pastor said to be under police radar is Pastor Gilbert Deya of the Miracle Baby scam. It is not known whether he is in Kenya or relocated back to the United Kingdom but sources say he is now under the police radar. Pastor Deya had previously been involved in running a child trafficking ring which led to his deportation from the UK to Kenya where he was detained for nine months at Kamiti Prison soon after landing in the country, he was later set free after posting a Ksh. 10m bond. Since then nothing much has been heard of the case.
His church, the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness has refuted claims that their leader Prophet Dr David Owuor is also under siege. Sources say police are looking for Owuor who is also believed to have brainwashed his congregants by performing stage-managed miracles including healing the crippled and the lame. We have information that Owuor has since gone silent and has not come out to talk about the Shakahola massacre.
Another pastor said to be on the detective’s radar is Pastor Victor Kanyari of the Salvation Healing Ministries over alleged fake miracles. Prophetess Lucy Nduta who once claimed that she could cure HIV is also said to be under investigation. She reportedly charged her congregation huge sums of money promising to cure the disease.
Pastor James Ng’ang’a is yet another televangelist said to be under the radar over his involvement in fake and stage-managed healing. Bishop Thomas Wahome of Helicopter of Christ Church who had hit the headlines after claims emerged that he had a list of congregants who would go to heaven is also being monitored and could land in police custody for questioning. It is alleged that he once charged his congregants Ksh1, 000 to be on the list to heaven. In a separate instance, Bishop Wahome reportedly charged his congregants Ksh1, 200 to earn a chance of touching his clothes to receive healing. The crackdown on fake pastors continues and more arrests are expected this week with the Senate moving with speed to enact laws to regulate religious organizations in the country.