Why President Ruto Terminated Franklin Bett’s Contract As Chairman Of AFC

Sources told The Weekly Vision that Mr Bett and Murkomen have been at loggerheads since the 2017 elections when Murkomen allegedly campaigned for Aaron Cheruiyot during the Jubilee Party nominations for Kericho Senatorial nominations. Bett publicly blamed the loss on Murkomen whom he accused of meddling in Kericho county politics and warned him to confine his politics to Elgeyo Marakwet

Last week’s revocation of the appointment of former Roads Minister Franklin Bett as the chairman of the Agricultural Corporation by President William Ruto was highly expected and long overdue. According to power brokers along the State House corridors, Mr Bett had been targeted for being anti-Ruto not only during the run-up to the last general elections but dating back to their days as President Moi’s errand boy.

When Ruto named former Taita Taveta governor John Mruttu the chairperson of the Agricultural Finance Corporation replacing Bett, politics was at play with Ruto’s advisors having the last laugh against Bett who had thrown his weight behind Raila Odinga’s presidential bid.

Initially, it was thought that Bett was going to swallow his political pride and support Ruto but he defied the calls and teamed up with Uhuru and Raila. This did not go down well with Ruto’s inner circle who vowed to teach him an everlasting political lesson.

The man said to have engineered and pushed for Bett’s removal is the Roads and Transport Cabinet secretary Kipchumba Murkomen. Sources say the two have been at loggerheads since the 2017 elections when Murkomen allegedly campaigned for Aaron Cheruiyot during the Jubilee Party nominations for Kericho Senatorial nominations. Bett publicly blamed the loss on Murkomen whom he accused of meddling in Kericho county politics and warned him to confine his politics to Elgeyo Marakwet.  In the run-up to the last general elections, Bett had initially indicated that he would support Ruto but was later reported to have held a meeting with Uhuru at State House, Nakuru.  When the images of Bett and Uhuru were shared on social media through the State House account, he was subjected to harsh criticism, forcing him to tell off his critics.

His critics alleged that the meeting aimed to strategize a rebellion against Ruto in Rift Valley and sabotage his presidential bid. But Bett responded by saying that he has every right to choose who to associate with, and has no apology for meeting the president.

“So what do you want me to do, kneel before you? Kwenda kabis. I am not available anymore for stupid comments on meeting the head of state. I am ready to meet him again, even the next one” Bet harshly responded.

It is also being whispered that Bett is one of the Kalenjin politicians Uhuru and Raila had earmarked for Cabinet appointment. During the Grand Coalition Government, Bett was nominated by Raila as the Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Public Works.

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