How Former South C Ward MCA Osman Khalif Abdi Is Causing Havoc At City Hall

  • Sources say that Osman Khalif Abdi has been bragging that he is the one who lobbied Nairobi MCAs to reject the appointment of Dr Jairus Musumba to the position of County Secretary.  He has been telling people at city hall that the Somali community contributed millions which he used to lobby MCAs to reject Musumba’s appointment

Former MCA for South C Ward Osman Khalif Abdi is causing havoc at City Hall due to his perceived closeness to Governor Johnson Sakaja. According to sources, Mr Osman who lost in the ODM nominations for the South C Ward seat, is said to be the link man between moneyed Somali business people and Governor Sakaja. 

During the NMS era, he was the linkman between the Somali business people and former NMS Director General Mohamed Badi. When Mr Sakaja came to office, Osman is said to have spent millions of shillings he had collected from the Somali business people to buy his way into Sakaja’s new administration.  Of late, Mr Osman has been bragging about how Somali tycoons have bought Governor Sakaja a House in Mombasa’s English Point Marina and a new Range rover.  Although this hasn’t been confirmed, sources say he is telling anyone who cares to listen that he is Sakaja’s right-hand man and whoever wants anything from the office of the governor must go through him.

Former MCA for South C Ward Osman Khalif Abdi

Sources say that he has been bragging that he is the one who lobbied Nairobi MCAs to reject the appointment of Dr Jairus Musumba to the position of County Secretary.  He has been telling people at city hall that the Somali community contributed millions which he used to lobby MCAs to reject Musumba’s appointment.

Those who do not know Mr Osman might fall prey to his slippery ways. Last year before being kicked out by South C voters over non-performance, he had been exposed as a non-performer.  One blogger wrote in a tweet, “Hey South C MCA Osman Khalif Abdi (@osukaqa) why are you giving your constituents bouncing cheques? You need to be arrested and jailed for this. @DCI_Kenya. Stop organizing tournaments if you don’t have money. Don’t be a conman”.

Sources say Osman had organized a soccer tournament and unfortunately gave the winners bouncing cheques.  As if that is not enough, Osman was again exposed for neglecting his wife Abigael Mwero and her daughter. Abigael filed a case at the Children’s Court in Nairobi, Case No. 816 of 2019, following Osman’s alleged refusal to provide maintenance for the child.  On 15th July 2019, Senior Resident Magistrate, Hon. H.M. Mbati (Mrs) ruled in favour of the mother and ordered Osman – who did not appear in court – to pay Ksh. 26,000 per month for maintenance, plus medical costs for the daughter.

And in yet another shocking case, Mr Osman was accused of assaulting an innocent boy and allegedly compromising police. The matter was taken up by Wamalwa and Echesa Advocates who wrote to the Officer Commanding Langata Police Station on 13th January 2022 requesting a progress report on OB/16/11/08/2021 report made at Akila Police Station.

The letter reads in part “We act for Duncan Wayoyi Nasengo. Our client was assaulted by known persons on or about 11th August 2021. Three witnesses have since recorded their statements. Our client is yet to be updated on the progress made. Kindly share any progress report with us at your soonest convenience.

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