Cases Of Sexual Exploitation Against Female Casual Workers At Darling Kenya On The Rise

By The Weekly Vision

Casual employees at Darling Kenya are up in arms against the management over what they claim as exploitation and poor working condition, the company claims to be Africa’s leading hair extensions manufacturer. Some casual employees who spoke to The Weekly Vision on strict conditions of anonymity for fear of victimization claimed that they are poorly remunerated, work for longer hours with no proper compensation for overtime worked and very harsh working environment.

The employees also reported claims of sexual exploitation of casual workers by some of their supervisors and managers who demanded sexual favours to be hired, renewal of contract, promotion and being placed in a lucrative department. Investigations reveal that the supervisors have continued to harass casual workers sexually and those who turn down their sexual demands are sacked on flimsy grounds or are set up and sacked. Sources say some families have been broken up due to the unbecoming behaviour of the supervisors who lure female casuals into a relationship and then dump them after breaking their families. The casuals claim they have suffered in silence for fear of victimization but sex for work is the norm at Darling Kenya. 

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