Tongaren MP John Chikati Defends ‘Jesus of Tongaren’

By Tony Wafula

Tongaren Member of Parliament (MP) John Chikati has come to the defence of Eliud Wekesa alias ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’. Speaking at Wekesa’s home during the visit last Monday after attending a service, the lawmaker said that ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ is the son of the soil and he is right to use the name, Jesus. “I don’t see any problem when someone uses the name ‘Jesus’, it is like myself using the name John,” he added. The Ford Kenya MP revealed that he has agreed on certain issues with Mr Wekesa concerning his controversial teachings.

Mr Chikati affirmed that Mr Wekesa is not linked to cultic behaviours as it is being witnessed in Shakahola, Kilifi County. “I have come here with my team purposely to assess what goes on here but so far we haven’t seen anything wrong,” Chikati added.

Tongaren Member of Parliament John Chikati

Chikati, however, called on ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ to use his preaching to unite people and spread peace in the community. Chikati alleges that he has received rumours that ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ keeps married women from the villages at his place with allegations of offering prayers to them.

“We have had candid discussions with ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ and agreed that no married woman and children will be kept at his home,” The Ford Kenya Secretary-General said. However, ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ pleaded with police not to arrest him after Bungoma Police Commander, Francis Kooli, summoned him for questioning on the 10th May 2023.  

President Ruto last week formed a task force to review regulations governing religious organizations in the country and ensure transparency despite the practice of freedom of worship. According to Bungoma police commander, Francis Kooli, summoning of ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ is for the benefit of the public interest and upholding the rule of law within the county and county at large.

“The reasons for our invite are of public interest hence the need to interact with those in that field he is in to establish whether our brother and others whose ways of teachings have been questioned through accepted legal procedures and within the limits of the law with an aim of protecting the public including from harm and also assure them of their safety,” stated Kooli.

Yesu wa Tongaren’ has however come out and declared he is innocent of any malicious acts and he only preaches the true gospel. Chikati’s sentiments were echoed by Milima ward MCA Jerusa Aleu, who defended ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ saying that he is a man who has grown under their watch and has no bad intentions and is not associated with cultic behaviours.

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