Miguna Miguna Has Failed To Counter Raila Odinga’s Influence In Nyanza As Planned

By The Weekly Vision

Controversial lawyer Miguna Miguna is increasingly becoming politically irrelevant after his highly publicized return to Kenya from his base in Canada. His return was ‘hot’ air and the fact that he has so far failed to personally have a one-on-one meeting with President William Ruto or even secure a state job seems to have killed his morale to stay in the country.

Initially, Kenya Kwanza leaders believed his return will checkmate ODM leader Raila Odinga. He is known to have been calling both Raila and former President Uhuru Kenyatta unprintable names but he now seems to have exhausted exposing the alleged Raila and Uhuru’s dark side and has nothing more. What has left Miguna Miguna in a state of despair is that neither Raila nor Uhuru has ever replied to him as they continue to ignore his insults. Sources say that he had hoped that President Ruto would consider him for a lucrative government position of a Cabinet Secretary, Attorney General or Solicitor General. However, the president’s handlers are said to have warned him against working with Miguna.

It was only agreed that he can play politics checkmating Raila Odinga but not as a government official. It has been tough on Miguna, he hasn’t organized any town hall meetings to attack Mr Odinga but can only use funeral platforms to do so. Last week he found himself between a rock and a hard place while addressing mourners at a burial in Kasipul in Homa Bay County after mourners heckled him for castigating Mr Odinga, claiming that because of Raila, the Nyanza region is not enjoying the fruits of independence. On sensing danger, he surrendered the microphone to the master of the ceremony when the crowd began mocking him. As he was walking away, some of the mourners dared him to speak ill of Raila Odinga again.

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