Uhuru Kenyatta Was Dethroned As Jubilee Party Leader- Sabina Chege

By The Weekly Vision

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s faction of Jubilee Party yesterday expelled a number of officials in an attempt to reconstitute the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC).  Among the expelled officials include Sabina Chege and Kanini Kega. Sabina Chege had claimed that the former head of state was legally removed from office as the party leader at a function in Sirisia in Bungoma.

There are two factions of the party each claiming to be the bonafide party. Sabina Chege was at a funeral service in Sirisia Constituency on Saturday, she accused the former President for actively engaging in politics instead he should sit back and give guidance to the leaders who are in office. However, Chege said that the Ex- presidents should retire from politics six months after the new presidents have resumed office.

“Nobody chased Uhuru Kenyatta from being the Jubilee party boss, we followed the law to remove him,” she said. She pointed an accusing finger at the former head of state for using his position as the President to persecute others citing Sirisia MP John Waluke’s graft case being political. “Sincerely speaking Waluke did nothing, his jail and persecution was political, Uhuru Kenyatta used his position to harass others,” Jubilee acting SG Kanini Kega said. In addition, she called on the former President to concentrate on uniting Kenyans like he is doing in other African countries.

“After Uhuru’s retirement he was given the role of ensuring that there is peace between Kenya and Africa but the way he is behaving it seems he is not interested,” Chege added.Chege noted that as Jubilee party they fully support President William Ruto work for Kenyans asking Kenyans to withdraw from taking part in the Azimio protests. “As Jubilee party, we won’t take part in protests led by ODM party boss, it is a waste of time,” she said, adding that the members were very annoyed at how the former President was running the affairs of the party. She added that Uhuru Kenyatta willingly handed over the tools of power to President Ruto asking the opposing side to give him time to work for Kenyans.

“There are conmen in Nairobi presenting to be the bonafide Jubilee officials, we don’t know them, those are ODM supporters trying to cause confusion in our party,” she said. On his part, the acting Secretary General Kanini Kega asked MP Waluke to work with his fellow lawmakers to support their bid in transforming and streamlining the party.

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