Alarm As Khasoko Boys School Is Closed Indefinitely After The Death Of Student

By The Weekly Vision

Khasoko Boys School in Bungoma County has been closed indefinitely following the unfortunate death of a student. Yesterday, the County of Health and Sanitation in Bungoma Dr. Andrew Wamalwa said that the problem started on 17th May after 24 students at the school developed severe headaches and general body weakness.

He says that 24 students were taken to Khasoko health centre near the school for medical attention where 10 of the students tested positive for malaria. The CEC said that tests the students were discharged and went back to school. He noted that out of the two that had severe malaria and became weak, he was referred to Bungoma County Referral Hospital (BCRH) for further treatment but doctors pronounced him dead on the 19th. “We are very sad because we lost a student who had been taken at BCRH for more medical attention, we are very sorry as a county,” Wamalwa stated.

Dr Wamalwa noted that on the 19th, 31 students also developed the same symptoms of malaria and were taken to Khasoko health centre, they were treated and discharged, he added that 117 students out of 1,128 tested positive for malaria.

“Seven students tested positive with severe malaria, 40 uncomplicated malaria cases but the rest are okay,” he noted, adding that the case has raised alarm in Bungoma County. The CEC told Journalists that on the 23rd the health officials from the County health and sanitation department visited the school to ascertain the condition of the school and took samples of food and water for testing.

He said that the tests have been done and confirmed that everything is okay. Wamalwa revealed that after a spot check by the health officials, it was found that the school was running without malaria preventative measures; no mosquito nets were found in dormitories.

“The school was not sprayed against mosquitoes at the beginning of the term,” he noted, adding that the western and Nyanza region experience epidemics of malaria arguing that it is good that all schools take preventative measures against malaria. He added, “Dormitories and class rooms should be sprayed against malaria to avoid such incidents in future,” The CEC advised schools in the Western and Nyanza regions to ensure that students are given mosquito nets as a measure to prevent malaria calling on Khasoko boys’ management to ensure that the premise is sprayed against malaria. He also advised the school to drain stagnant water and clear bushes at the school.

Wamalwa said that the Khasoko case is not related to the Mukumu case. He affirmed that all students who tested positive for malaria are under the care and watch of health providers and are responding well.

To address the high numbers of malaria cases in the region, Wamalwa encouraged residents to sleep under treated mosquito nets as a measure to prevent malaria. He added that Bungoma is also scheduled to roll out the mass nets distribution to the locals as a strategy to fight malaria. Alfred Nyongesa, head of public health and sanitation in Bungoma County called on parents not to panic as education and health stakeholders are on the ground to ensure that they contain the situation.

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