Bunyore Girls School Alumni Western Kenya Caucus On Course To Support Girl Child Education

By Andanje Wakhungu

In a bid to ensure the education of the girl child is catered for, a number of Bunyore Girls school alumni have decided to embark on assisting needy and vulnerable students at the school to stay in class and complete their studies. Through their patron retired Principal Mrs Were, the group consisting of 85 former students who sat for their exams in 1985, has been making a positive impact in the lives of many students, their tireless effort has seen many students finishing school.

Speaking during the thanksgiving ceremony held in honour of the Shirugu Mugai MCA Peter Wanami who is married to one of the alumni Jane Mukanzi Wanami, the group spokesperson and Principal Matunda Salvation Army in Likuyani sub-county, Mary Luvanda acknowledged the good work the group was doing in empowering the girl child and stated that as a group they had decided to extend their good gesture beyond the classroom to families gatherings such as weddings, graduations and even funerals to be able to stand with each other in both happy and times of need.

“We left school 35 years ago and as the girls of our former principal Mrs Were who is our patron we decide to start a group and due to the high number of girls we sought to create our class of 85 which consists of the same number of us comprising of the western caucus and it has been a success as far as supporting education and family matters is concerned as we have been able to bring back smiles on many girls faces through our support.  

We chip in on school fees matters and also the provision of sanitary towels to girls in various schools to enable them to stay in class and compete favourably with the boy child as the lack of these essential toiletries has been a major cause of girls dropping out of school due to pregnancy as well as the dismal school performance in class due to missing out on some lessons when undergoing the cycle.  With the availability of these items’ girls are able to continue with their education without breaking off, this has seen the number of girls scoring quality grades over the years.”

The group consists of a number of teachers including principals and head teachers who also offer counselling services to the students. “As the Western region caucus we are united and we also visit each other families as part of unifying and strengthening our bonding, spiritual nourishment and support various functions, this has made us formidable and a force to reckon with as we are a living testimony to the saying “united we stand divided we fall”, we love being united as it binds us so together, at our age, we need that peace of mind and togetherness for prosperity.”

The principal hailed the Kabras people for electing Malulu Injendi as their MP for the third time to enable him to continue supporting education matters in the constituency and called on the members of the county assembly to follow suit by issuing bursaries to needy students. “I want to thank the Kabrasis for holding on and trusting in their MPs leadership and I wish to challenge all MCAs present to join ranks with him in giving education first priority through allocation of bursaries and supporting any educational initiatives within the constituency to enable us have a society of elites in the near future”.    

On her part, the patron (Mrs Were) confirmed that she was behind the giving back to society initiative and its success which she attributes to good education standards set by the school that has seen her girls prosper in various fields and become persons of substance in the society.

“I stand here today as the leader of majority in giving back to the society and as they say behind every successful man there a woman but remember there is also a successful mother in law and you can see for yourselves how this girls are shinning here today, we as mothers, have stood with our daughters in law and this is how far the Lord has taken us and we thank HIM as HE continues to grant us the strength to support our young girls become better people in the coming future” She called on the leaders to give education firs hand priority and more so the girl child as they were key to better society and country at large.

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