How Foreign Diplomats Forced Azimio To Cancel Weekly Demonstrations 

Top on the Azimio agenda is the disbandment of the IEBC as currently constituted and the creation of a new one, they seem to have ceded ground on the opening of servers, which they now claim have been tampered with to the extent that even if they are opened, the truth will never be known. President Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza on the other hand is pushing for the creation of the position of Official Opposition with a complete shadow cabinet to accommodate Raila Odinga and his team

By The Weekly Vision

Foreign diplomats are said to have exerted pressure on Azimio leaders Raila Odinga, Martha Karua and Kalonzo Musyoka to end the weekly demonstrations, which have resulted in numerous fatalities, injuries, and damage to property across the country. The pressure finally forced Azimio to call off the protests scheduled for today, Wednesday 26th July 2023; they will instead hold solidarity parades and vigils for victims of police brutality at selected locations across the country. 

Sources reveal to The Weekly Vision that Azimio’s team made demands that must be met soon after the demonstrations are stopped. In a meeting with the diplomats last week, Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka is said to have told them that the Azimio is not interested in any power-sharing deal with the Kenya Kwanza but insisted that the truth must be known as to who won the 2022 presidential elections.

According to our sources, Azimio now wants the international community, including the African Union, to appoint eminent persons to lead the bipartisan talks between them and President William Ruto’s team. The Koffi-Anaan-like committee, which mediated the agreement between Raila Odinga and President Mwai Kibaki, is reportedly what Azimio is advocating for. According to Azimio, the goal of such a group is to reach a consensus on a variety of problems.

The most important item on the Azimio agenda is the disbandment of the IEBC as currently constituted and the creation of a new one with Commissioners chosen by political parties. Azimio seems to have ceded ground on the opening of servers, which they claim have been tampered with to the extent that even if they are opened, the truth will never be known. Azimio is reported to have called for electoral reforms, particularly regarding the tallying, confirmation, transmission, and announcement of presidential results. A possible extension of the deadline for the Supreme Court to hear and decide a presidential petition is also rumoured to be on the schedule. 

The withdrawal of the controversial Finance Act 2023 is also said to be Azimio’s top agenda, as well as the lowering of the cost of living, they also want a stop to the interference in political party management by the Kenya Kwanza administration. The ultimate goal, in Azimio’s view, is to have the international community oversee minimal electoral reforms, which should be completed in not more than 12 months. 

Kenya Kwanza, on the other hand, is pushing for the creation of the position of Official Opposition with a complete shadow cabinet to accommodate Raila Odinga and his team. Should Mr Odinga accept to take up the official opposition leadership, then Kalonzo Musyoka will be the Minority leader at the National Assembly with Martha Karua will hold the same position in the Senate. Raila’s shadow cabinet with complete offices, staff, salaries and allowances funded by the exchequer will oversight the executive. 

Should they accept the creation of such a position then Raila Odinga’s lieutenants, who have been in the political cold for a while now, could get a fresh political lifeline. Among obvious names which Raila must consider includes that of Wycliffe Oparanya, Eugene Wamalwa, Peter Munya, Jakoya, Mwangi wa Iria, Charity Ngilu, Hassan Joho, Gideon Moi, Peter Kenneth, Stephen Tarus and Raphael Tuju. 

But sources in Azimio also divulged that Kenya is a pure presidential system, and the creation of such an office would be against the constitution as such an office is only found in a parliamentary system. Kenya Kwanza wants Raila Odinga to take up the position, which is an office with all the benefits, including funding from the exchequer. The Azimio team however seems reluctant as they continue with their push, arguing that Raila Odinga won the presidential elections squarely.

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