Raila Odinga Calls The US Ambassador To Kenya Meg Whitman ‘Rogue’  

In what was seen as a direct reply to the Ambassador, Mr Odinga referred to her as “rogue’’ for meddling in Kenya’s affairs following her sentiments on the conduct of the 2022 general election. He asked her to leave Kenya alone. “Tell the rogue ambassador that Kenya is not in the United States, Kenya is not a colony of the United States’’. Keep your mouth shut when you are here otherwise, we will ask for your recall by Washington”

The US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman openly supported the election of President William Ruto as the fifth President of the Republic during her remarks yesterday at the Devolution Conference in Eldoret. The remarks by the Ambassador rubbed Mr. Raila Odinga and his brigade the wrong way and in a quick rejoinder, Mr Odinga laughed off at the Ambassador’s remarks. 

In what was seen as a direct reply to the ambassador, Mr Odinga referred to her as “rogue’’ for meddling in Kenya’s affairs following her sentiments on the conduct of the 2022 general election. He asked her to leave Kenya alone. “Tell the rogue Ambassador that Kenya is not in the United States, Kenya is not a colony of the United States’’. Keep your mouth shut when you are here otherwise, we will ask for your recall by Washington,” he added. “We want to tell the rogue Ambassador to leave Kenyans alone. If maandamano can lead to dialogue between Kalonzo Musyoka and Kimani Ichungwah then everything is good with demonstrations,” he said. Mr Odinga in his speech also openly accused President Ruto’s government of failing to tame the high cost of living, fix a broken healthcare system and the punitive Finance Act 2023.  

The speech by the US Ambassador came at a time when the bipartisan team was holding meetings at Bomas and politically speaking what she was telling Raila Odinga and the opposition, in general, is that the 2022 elections are done and dusted, there is nothing you can do about it. The Ambassador was passing a strong message to Raila Odinga from Washington. It was expected of her to discuss the political situation in the country at such a forum, what was least expected was her strong political remarks notably her description of Kenya’s 2022 elections as having been the freest, fairest, and most democratic, sentiments that caught many people by surprise. 

The Americans are simply telling Mr Odinga to demand all but not the opening of servers. The ambassador simply was delivering a message from US President Joe Biden meant for Azimio that no matter what happens, Ruto is the democratically elected President of Kenya and that Mr Odinga should pursue other interests but not the presidency.

Many political analysts have in the past referred to William Ruto as America’s president, whether true or false depends on one’s political learnings. For those who believe that he is America’s project, the statement by the ambassador is a clear indication that Washington will not allow the president to fail, the speech gave William Ruto the legitimacy he has been craving since IEBC declared him President. 

Other sources say it’s the America who are behind the Bomas bipartisan talks, they are said to be in full control, dictating and giving directions on each move. One wonders why the ambassador would say the 2022 elections were free and fair yet Raila Odinga and Azimio are pushing for the opening of servers to ascertain if indeed William Ruto won fairly. It is clear now that America won’t allow the agenda of opening the servers at Bomas to dominate the talks for fear that it might expose external interference and cause instability in the country 

One, therefore, wonders why the US wants Ruto to remain in office yet push for the creation of the office of the official opposition for Raila Odinga. Perhaps America like the rest of us know that since William Ruto is a shrewd politician, there must be clear checks and balances by putting a strong opposition in place to counter him.   

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