Why Ababu Namwamba’s Time As Cabinet Secretary For Sports Is Up

Uasin Gishu Women’s Representative and House Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss Sholei was the next to attack CS Ababu, again just like in Mr Ichungwas’ case, she could not have done so without President Ruto’s blessings

The Cabinet Secretary Youth Affairs, Sports and Arts Ababu Namwamba is a man under siege. Speculation is rife that President William Ruto is planning a cabinet reshuffle that could target him. Mr Namwamba has in the past few days been a recipient of harsh criticism from the president’s close political allies. Sources say the CS may be kicked out of the cabinet or be transitioned to a less lucrative ministry.

Going by the recent attacks from people very close to the president, some people believed there could be President Ruto’s unseen hands in the whole episode, they believe the president must have sent his close allies to do the dirty job of exposing the CS to ignite a debate to give him (Ruto) room and reasons for kicking him out of the cabinet. Sources say a plot has been hatched already to knock Ababu out of the cabinet and that it is just a matter of time before he is shown the exit door.

 House majority leader Kimani Ichungwa, a close ally of the president was the first to throw the first salvo at Ababu when he demanded that the CS should be held to account for his alleged dismal performance at the ministry. Those who keenly listened to Mr Ichungwa as he was attacking Ababu on the floor of the House will agree that he could not have done so without the blessings from the appointing authority. Uasin Gishu Women’s Representative and House Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss Sholei was the next to attack CS Ababu, again just like in Mr Ichungwas’ case, she could not have done so without President Ruto’s blessings. Next in line was Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei who did not mince his words in attacking the embattled CS, he is also a close ally of the president.

The attacks emanated from the President’s allies, leading to suspicion that he had a secret hand in the whole episode. The big question now is who wants Ababu Namwamba out of the cabinet? Many people claim that the president is done with him; they say he failed to read the writings on the wall after the president failed to appoint him the CS in charge of Foreign Affairs but instead appointed Alfred Mutua.

During the campaigns OF 2022, Ababu was the head of Ruto’s team in charge of international relations. He was therefore expected to retain the Foreign Affairs and Diaspora docket at the formation of the cabinet. There are talks that Ruto could replace him with a trusted lieutenant from Western Kenya. Sources say the looming shuffle could affect Alfred Mutua (Foreign and Diaspora Affairs), Moses Kuria (Trade, Investment and Industry), Salim Mvurya (mining), and Florence Bore (labour).

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